• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2024


  • from my perspective there are two types of t-shirt acquisitions: a) you need cloths b) you want to spread a message.

    i would think most of the fashion brand t-shirts fall mainly into a) with a little bit of c) you want to be part of a superior group

    most of the funny t-shirts and band-t-shirts fall into category b) and basically you also place yourself into a certain group but into a smaller, more specific one. the big fashion brands are arbitrary so many people can identify with them. they don’t want to be associated with a real message, because then some people would be excluded from wearing that brand.

    so the t-shirt presented as exhibit 1) certainly falls into category b). but i really can not come up with a message you want to send by wearing the t-shirt: it’s not the “font-nerd” it’s not the “web-dev-nerd” or anything like this. how big is the overlap of star-wars-fans and font-awesome users?

    i think at the end it’s just a marketing department that jumps on the latest bandwagon of internet memes in the hope that they can gain some popularity.

    they could produce t-shirts that are fun to wear and spread the brand more subtle, but in this case i completely agree with op: this is a very strange campaign. and i also think that the comments here comparing this with fashion brands completely miss the point.

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