Perhaps I don’t think about cousins enough to have considered that. To me “sibling” refers to my brothers and sisters, and therefore extends naturally to “their kids” more than to other family members on the same generation. The old English word that sibling was revived from meant “kinfolk” and would have included all family whether brothers, nieces, cousins or aunts.
If I talk about “my nildren” it’s maybe a bit too possessive, and “nids” Is gross, but I’d be open to other suggestions! Niblings is defintely kinda silly, which was part of the charm when they little anklebiters.
I don’t know how it’d work but I’d be interested in something to deal with spam/scams. That annoying “Fediverse chick” thing, sure i blocked her, as can other individuals. And I guess the account could be flagged to whatever instance the account is registered to? But if it became a frequent problem, with bot account spamming people, it would be handy to have a way a tracking what accounts are getting blocked by lots of people.
Even if I wouldn’t want to autoblock accounts just because they’re unpopular, I might want to stop or mark as ‘caution’ private messages from “problem” accounts.