Fair enough, but I’d at least end a good amount of family trees if I’m lucky.
I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!
Fair enough, but I’d at least end a good amount of family trees if I’m lucky.
If I ever got sick from something like COVID, I’d just go back to medieval Europe and let it spread like wildfire. I guarantee this modern disease would absolutely wipe out a large majority of Europe and everywhere else it spreads in the world. And little to no effort besides waiting for if I ever get it (which I thankfully never have had and hope I never will).
Definitely take a boat ride to visit Taiwan at least once before any shit potentially goes down in Asia and war breaks out.
Hell, if it broke out while I was over there, it’d make things easier for me in a way, since I’d be more than willing to help Taiwan in the event of a war by doing whatever the hell they need me to as a civilian who couldn’t join the army due to my health. Wouldn’t have to be working on helping them from far away, but rather on ground.
Eh, the easier money making scheme of selling gravel just seems boring to me
Best case scenario, I find some linguist willing to pay me to help with their understanding of the language. Worst case scenario, I’m the only person who can speak this language.
Also, if nothing else, I could impress people by being the only person in the world who speaks a specific language.
I feel as though there is money making opportunity in 8. The language is dead? Nobody alive who can speak the language, so I’d have more or less free reign to profit off of being the only person who could speak it.
That’s what I used. My usual SearX instance I really like has been failing recently, so I switched to another reliable one, both German hosted instances.
I have also noticed other strange things, like how I’ll have an instance set to English but sometimes find miscellaneous posts in other non-Latin alphabet using languages. I presume that’s just because it’s a generic thing I’m searching, like a game or some common software. But I still find it weird.
That’s history that, at least in my region, we learn about in school. For the most part, we let them do their thing nowadays and aren’t actively commiting genocide on them. Police brutality on them may speak differently, but the majority of people who aren’t racist and/or rich already want the police gone because of their brutality.
As for the rest of the states, it’s a mixed bag due to bad eggs, but I’m fairly certain the official government stance is accepting of the fact we’ve treated both natives and African Americans bad. It’s why we learn about it. Tried looking it up, but was suspiciously finding a lot of content from Chinese embassies in America about how we need to come to terms with the Native American genocides and atrocities, from around the same time as the tribunal, maybe a month or two after people started reporting on it. Very suspicious timing on their part. Couldn’t find what I was looking for because I kept getting Chinese (.gov.cn) links over any official US links, which is very suspicious to me because it looks a lot like search result rigging in my eyes.
Search result rigging, not search engine rigging.
Fake Christians in Christianity? More likely than you think!
Whelp, I know who to call traitors.tl the free world: anyone who takes the bait here. Not saying America is the better option currently, but definitely a lot better than the “There’s No Genocide In Xinjiang Despite An Independent Tribunal Saying There Is!” China team.
People don’t care and will still buy them anyways. Similar thing has been going down with sports games like madden and nba for years yet people still buy them.
I know what I’m adding doesn’t matter much, but Brok the Investigator. Made by the French indie studio Cowcat Games. Pretty sure they still might have a little bit of merchandise from their Kickstarter left, which includes a physical disk copy of the game and possibly a copy on USB, but I haven’t touched either since I have the steam version and don’t feel like messing something up. Also Flipon, from another French dev. And anything made by the French dev duo Puncake Délicieux of Shotgun King and Super Algebrawl indie fame.
I can only think of a single scene, and it’s the dancing mice at the end of Coraline. Was actually amazing seeing that scene in 3D back when it rereleased in theaters in 3D over the summer(?).
Maybe I’m lucky, but at the community college I attend I have never had to sit at a desk. Only tables. As a left handed person, I am pretty happy about that, even though I have not had to write much because computers/laptops.
It’s why the rare times I end up going in my college club instructors EV I tend to stay fairly quiet. Quieter than normal.
Most of the time I know exactly what I’m getting if I see more than maybe 3+ comments. Usually it’s me saying something anti-communist, something on brand enough for me.