We already know how to prevent more extinctions. Better environmental laws, more green spaces, better conservation efforts, less suburban sprawl, etc. You know, things that will never happen.
We already know how to prevent more extinctions. Better environmental laws, more green spaces, better conservation efforts, less suburban sprawl, etc. You know, things that will never happen.
Elf Comic (Merrivius)
You can “believe” all you want in your happy little make-believe bubble, but the facts are that conservatives are trying to ban, restrict, redefine, and remove trans people from getting healthcare, from being referenced in media or schools (censored), and removing them from the military.
Here’s the list from the ACLU of all 456 anti-LGBTQ bills in the US.
Yeah, conservatives are so tolerant…
…oh. And there’s never been a law to force people to use correct pronouns. Ever. There’s never been an effort to “force” anyone or do anything. People were simply asking for you to respect them by using preferred pronouns. Asking for people to respect them as a human being is apparently an affront to US Conservatives.
If the UK and Europe all rally behind Ukraine as a massive fuck you to Trump, it would be absolutely magnificent.
Trump is an absolute embarrassment. How he treated Zelensky was beyond shameful.
“You’re not protesting the right way! You have to stand up to them only in ways that are acceptable to me!”
Got it buddy.
This is fucking comical. For too sure why regulations are out on place. Maybe if (f)Elon investigated like they should have, this wouldn’t have happened.