Def. not. You’se or you’s is North Easter afaik. I mixed them for rhetorical effect, which as you can see worked quite well.
Def. not. You’se or you’s is North Easter afaik. I mixed them for rhetorical effect, which as you can see worked quite well.
Just plain careless if you ask me. I was on a walk this morning; don’t even have children. Saw some adults loading up a car, so obviously adults present, and heard ‘baby noises’, and on auto had to check back that direction to make sure the bambino was nominally safe. Natural human response, I guess.
For my Canadian friends, and soon to be friends, thank you for doing what you can during this trying period in our relationship. I didn’t vote for this shitshow, and am doing what I can from South of the Border. We’ll get together for some poutine, and green chili when things settle down a bit. K? Love YOU ALL!
Acshually, that’s Y’all, a contraction for You’se All.
This IS the way. And of course the acorns must me soaked for 24 hours in salt water. Low and slow on the cooking, sous vid at 64C for 14-18 hours is considered ideal when preparing at seal level. Adjustments based on altitude may be necessary at mid-elevations below 2500m, and a definite necessity above that elevation. See attached chart, and citations.
Whoopsi-doodles. Well, more spare parts on the Moon, all the same.
Shouldn’t this be: A Woodpecker Preparing for Winter? The order of words a in sentence, difference makes.
That’s an AI rendering of her likeness. ;-)
And the nazi and his #47 are clearly weak knee’d bullies.
Turns out change has tipping points. Not particularly gradual, at all. And yes, Fedi is the way. Tell ALL your friends!
And can be accessed from Fedia.io. I don’t know where the nazis fucked off to, good riddance, sez I.
Can someone come and do this for me and mine stuck in the US decline?
Usually I would be happy to learn a new word, even this word, if only we weren’t experiencing this word.
not fast enough
I only use Amz for price checks, for years and years.
That’s encouraging. Thanks!
He’s already shat in the water.
Indeed, that’s not how tariffs work. smh.
Can’t even condemn kidnapping, what a bunch of spineless losers.