- Tron by Draft Punk
- Lord of the Ring
- Interstellar
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CHATONS – kittens in french – is the Collective of Hosters Alternative, Transparent, Open, Neutral and Solidarity. This collective aims to bring together structures offering free, ethical and decentralised online services in order to allow users to quickly find alternatives that respect their data and privacy to the services offered by GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft).
Kofola is really popular in Czech republic and surrounding countries.
A lot of F16 parts were manufactured in Europe as well, it was part of the deal to buy the aircrafts.
I’ve worked for multiple aerospace companies in Belgium and Switzerland that were manufacturing f16 parts.
The Roquefort (French blue cheese) is made from the mold that grows on rye bread.
So even the moldy bread, in the right condition, can become a delicacy.
Reintroducing mammoths in the arctic could potentially help reduce the climate change.
There is a scientist in Siberia who built the Pleistocene Park. An area where he reintroduced a lot of large herbivores and studied their impact. He’s saying that boreal forest have a very low biodiversity compared to mammoth steppes. The steppes have way more animals, are stocking way more carbon in the soil and prevent methane leaks by keeping the permafrost frozen due to the low albedo of the biome.
The problem is that with the mammoths are indispensable to maintain the steppes. They are the only animal big enough to clear up trees, without them the forest is taking over and all the ecosystem of the steppes disappear.
So (according to this scientist), resurrecting the mammoth could revive a whole ecosystem, with a very rich biodiversity and that could have a give impact on the climate.