Then it’s a GOOD THING we DEFUNDED Children’s School Lunches! NOW we can afford Golf Trips!
Then it’s a GOOD THING we DEFUNDED Children’s School Lunches! NOW we can afford Golf Trips!
As a Log Cabin Republican I see NO PROBLEM With Republicans not only making GAYNESS illegal but making even the WORD Gay illegal! MUCH better then Lower Taxes and Equality under Democrats!
Uh oh! How will I be able to bring my CHILDREN to HOOTERS now? Oh wait this doesn’t Effect that NEVERMIND!
That’s DUMB. Republicans Do Their Own Research so could EASILY see through Any and All of these Criminals and Pedophiles JOINING their Party and then them Protecting Them with their Lives!
It’s gonna take MORE than all my kids DYING for me to LEAVE the Republican Party!
This is FALSE! Elon Musk would NOT Abuse the Government to line his OWN pockets! That’s what SINGLE MOTHERS WORKING THREE JOBS would do!
I’m a Patriotic Republican who defends the Constitution but ONLY after Children get Murdered and I think this is a GREAT idea that CANT go Wrong!
But that MIGHT Offend the Republicans who would NEVER vote for them?
Small Government!
Good! Allowing me to MAKE my OWN Energy for a ONE TIME PAYMENT is SOCIALISM! I would MUCH RATHER be FORCED to Pay whatever Big Oil tells me I MUST pay!
If President Musk, who PROMISED to Cut my Medicaid, CUTS my Medicaid it’s JOE BIDENS FAULT!
What did President Elon Musk have to say about this?
That’s NOT true! You can COUNT ON ME, a REPUBLICAN, to ALWAYS Defend the Constitution!* *After an Elementary School Shooting!
This is actually JOE BIDENS FAULT and will CONTINEU to be Joe Bidens fault until Fox tells me OTHERWISE1
-Republicans who Do Their Own Research!
Stupid Libtard of COURSE NOT! Otherwise we would HATE Trump!
Why are People saying this? Trump is the ONLY Politician doing EXACTLY what he Promised he would!
I’m ALL for Cutting Mine AND my Child’s Healthcare if it means we can give President Musk MORE Billion Dollar Contracts!
But THAT might Alienate REPUBLICAN VOTERS who will NEVER EVER EVER vote Democrat! And we DONT want to Alienate THEM!
Those Allies ARENT paying Their FAIR SHARE! If we give them LESS MONEY that means we have MORE to give President Elon Musk!
Harming Veterans CONTINUALLY is how you KNOW Republicans LOVE our Veterans!