21 hours agoRun Lola Run (German film, subtitles available in several languages)
Citizen Kane
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Ocean’s Eleven (2001, watch it anyway, it’s great!)
12 Monkeys
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2001 A Space Odyssey
The Shining
If they had focused their campaign on helping the middle class, helping the poor, and acknowledged that Palestinians are people too, they would have a chance.
If they focused on environmental issues and the rights of individuals they would have had a chance.
If they had called Trump a criminal, because he is, at every stop, they would have had a chance.
If they did all of those things, and meant it, they would have won!
Instead they tried to appeal to business owners, Republicans who don’t like Trump, and people with money. That’s not what Democrats want. That’s not who Democrats are. That, is why they lost.