No it doesn’t. You don’t see protests in North Korea don’t you?
No it doesn’t. You don’t see protests in North Korea don’t you?
Even better: Hybrid Trolleys that can run prolonged distance without electrical traction
What they have now is about same as 30s Germany and 90s Rwanda
I don’t know much about Rwanda, but I can tell that claim “Ineqaulity caused Hitler” is pretty much wrong. You’re trying to say, that the people fed up by the inequality between elites and the poor voted Hitler into power, but that’s not what happened. It was the majority party SPD - German Social-Democrats - who put him in the chancellor position. Nazis had something around 20% and two biggest parties were Social Democrats and Communists.
I’m constantly amazed that these events are given so little time in the history classes in schools.
When was the last time wealthy stopped getting wealthier?
This isn’t even a problem. You should strive for increasing quality of life for everyone rather than some idealistic notion of equality. People aren’t equal, period. Some have great ability to run business or produce goods, others don’t. Inequality is inevitable.
Rich pay fuck ton of taxes. Most of EU has progressive taxation and capital gains tax. What else do you want? Unlike in USA there’s no ‘Buy, Borrow, Die’ loophole allowing tax escape when inheritance happens
why climate activists are turning to sabotage instead of protest
Because violence and sabotage brings attention
Public transport is not a for-profit business
In the end everything is for profit business. New fleets of buses won’t magically pay for themselves. City may subsidize the public transport, but it’s because the increased economic activity and quality of life attracts people and businesses resulting in higher tax revenue.
These businesses still operate on profit and loss. They can’t just move to full electric because in 100 years world might warm up by 4 degrees. If you want electrification, then make electricity and batteries cheap in the first place
Warsaw public transport made a report few years ago about costs and issues with electeic busses. Main problem: Range, Second problem: Higher total cost over entire lifespan of the vehicle
I don’t see that where I live - some ISPs offer port forwarding, some don’t. Some just give you IPv6 with ports unlocked manually in router config
Well you could learn a thing or two from a country that was never racist in the first place.
You Americans see racism everywhere, even if there’s none.
It’s important to prepare in advance for the iron fist dictatorship that will replace the previous system
Really isn’t. Its from propaganda poster “Bij Bolszewika” from 1920s when there were no black people neither in Poland nor in Russia.
As US citizen you’re on the hook for US income tax. No matter where you live
Free will doesn’t exist in the first place
In principle yes it does - in case of TCP based protocols, without forwarded ports incoming connections aren’t possible. In the context of the main Torrent protocol this means you can only connect to peers that have ports forwarded. This is largely solved by uTP protocol that uses UDP hole punching method to circumvent this.
So the sort answer is no this doesn’t matter unless you’re using very feature poor torrent client.