They shouldn’t have a veto power. They should only be able to control their own choices.
They shouldn’t have a veto power. They should only be able to control their own choices.
There’s a difference between voting against something and vetoing it.
A veto prevents the other countries from doing it.
That’s overstepping its sovereignty, and the outer countries should tell the US to go fuck itself.
Actual answer?
Canadian egg farms have tens of thousands of chickens on average, and there’s a lot of separate farms.
US egg farms have millions, and there are fewer total farms.
If a single bird gets infected with avian flu the whole flock needs to be culled. Bigger flocks are both more likely to catch it, and more birds affected when it happens.
All of them, we don’t import milk in any sort of grocery store quantity.
I will never buy American milk. Ever.
It has nothing to do with price, and everything to do with the US allowing the injection of growth hormones in Dairy cows which are banned in Canada.
Burning shit seems to work well when done in large enough quantities, see France.
The swastika is a fairly obvious symbol of hate, same with a white pointed hood.
They aren’t normally used in a generic fashion though.
Maybe a red lightsaber?
What do you think buying $200 worth of honey will save you?
You’re likely better off investing the same amount of money.
Buying it all now is betting that inflation will be higher than your investment return over the next 40 years. That’s not a good bet unless the world literally collapses.
That may actually be against the rules for Conveyancers depending on where you live, find out if your conveyancer is part of a legal body (registered in some way as a conveyancer) and make an inquiry/complaint there.
Compromise on what? You haven’t even told us what they’re really for you dumb shit.
It’s clearly not a compromise on the fentanyl situation, and you haven’t talked about anything else that we’ve changed.
Are you just compromising on your own?
“Considering the fact the doing good will not earn you anything in anyway”
This simply isn’t an accurate statement.
I treat my co-workers well, help them out, and one of them bought me a pin that says “Hello, My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!!!” because they know I like that movie.
I help people, people help me. Do they sometimes not help me, sure, but on balance everyone is better off for helping. It’s not a zero sum game.
This is why I don’t think it will ever happen.
US Miliary personnel have worked hand in hand with the Canadians half a century doing everything from joint ops to sharing bases. I think a lot of them would simply refuse to invade Canada without congress first declaring an official war, and congress wouldn’t do that because it would be horrifically unpopular with the US populace.
He’s going to do it again, you’re being delusional if you think he will change in the next few years.
Move on.