Last year, my CEO said if we finish the project on time, he’ll buy a new truck and bring it around the office for everyone to check it out.
This would be his 20th truck he bought.
I definitely think there’s a degree of maturity where a person separates potential sex partners and potential friends. Or Maybe it’s just me and I assume everyone wants to horndog with everyone. Which is okay, just keep it in your pants.
I’ve been married for 15 years now and I usually deflect any forms of attraction (men and women). I’ve had a few times where they confess, and I’ve always just kind of shrugged and let them know I’m not the person they built up in their heads. if they get creepy, quietly move on. Most don’t and we’re lifelong friends.
Again, maturity plays a huge part. And if they’re not mature enough to see you as a person, whoever you are… That’s on them. It may feel lonely on your part, but honestly, the drama with people who have obsessive crushing is way honestly more annoying.
Religion makes some BIG BUCKS so they invest in things like universities and hospitals.
A lot of historical institutions have religious backing.
I’m not saying I support it. I just follow the money. (Tinfoil hat)
There was a foreign exchange girl from France. She was brutal. She said whatever was on her mind. She wouldn’t even blink as she said in broken English that you werent worth the air you are breathing.
So yeah, this story checks out.
God I wanted her to step on me.
Wait what?