Yes, it’s the right call, but it’s sad someone’s actions have made it necessary, I guess.
Formerly u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.
Yes, it’s the right call, but it’s sad someone’s actions have made it necessary, I guess.
the hard limit is willpower and material resources.
Which money is an accounting mechanism for.
What this actually means is that people will work for tank manufacturers instead of developing civilian EVs or whatever. Same story for the steel and equipment that goes into it.
TIL, thanks.
That wasn’t even my favourite one in the competition IIRC.
Is the West vs. Islamism still a big topic in Europe (outside of immigration rhetoric)? On this side of the Atlantic, it was already “on the back burner” somewhat, and then the Russian invasion happened.
If this is the same poll as before, the rest say probably not, and 5% checked a box randomly (the lizardman constant).
Yes. Unfortunately, it’s a very blunt instrument. The rest of our tariffs have been ultra-targeted, but Doug Ford really wants to do something and this is the main tool he has provincially.
There’s enough rural, conservative areas within those states that would be affected I imagine Trump will have some blowback. How much is hard to say at this point, especially given that he’s still adding and removing his own tariffs all the time.
Do you have a source on that? I’d really expect they’re all on the same grid.
I feel like (official) racial equality needs to be in there, I just don’t know where.
Canada doesn’t really have a local cuisine, unfortunately. Too much mutual cultural exchange with the US and too little history. Of the like three dishes to choose from, I do love a good Nanaimo bar. (That’s a layer of chocolate, on a layer of an icing-like custard concoction, on a thicker base of a coconut-chocolate crumbs)
Early vs. late 60’s makes all the difference here. MAD was first coined in 1962, which is the year in question, so obviously it hadn’t grown to the point of being official doctrine, let alone a global, immovable strategic equilibrium. I’m not a professional historian, so maybe I’m missing something, but this has been my take on the period.
In the 70’s the system as we know it starts to develop, and you see the ABM treaty signed as a symptom of this.
Relevant XKCD. (On explainXKCD, because it’s Umwelt)
And there’s rituals and rules with gravity surrounding them now. During the Cuban missile crisis nukes were seen as just another weapon. At this point they’re more like symbols of state that you can hypothetically end the world with.
Hopefully. All the other possibilities I can think of are darker.
Unless you let some of them overlap, I guess, which is maybe what OP was thinking.
Yeah, but proliferation is bad, basically. The more nations have nukes the harder it is to not use them.
That being said, we already have the CANDU reactors in Ontario churning out plutonium that we just bury. I’ve heard it estimated we could have bombs in like 3 months if we wanted.
Not as big an ask as you’re probably thinking. In the end, they’ve always (just barely) voted to stay for the convenience. If we were to join the Schengen area and the single market going forward, and maybe even the EU itself, it wouldn’t really be a problem if they were technically a separate nation within it.
It was a “shotgun marriage” by the colonial British in the first place, and as far as I can tell enthusiasm for the arrangement was never that high among ordinary Anglo Canadians, either. I hear “they should just leave so we never have to talk about it again” semi-often IRL.
Us too plz?
I’m sure we’ll give you guys whatever you want in return, shit’s getting really scary here in Canada.
Enjoy everyone, we’re living through fediverse history. This is our dancing baby (or maybe more like the “love you” worm).
Has anybody actually followed the links? I’m mildly curious where it goes.
Just like the last time, the far-right’s global acceptability and credibility takes a nosedive once they have the opportunity to actually start doing things.