And upon said death he would immediately shit himself. Mission accomplished!
And upon said death he would immediately shit himself. Mission accomplished!
I was simply responding to his assertion that “people who have killed in self defense have been tagged as murderers”.
Then you become an enemy of the state and get perp walked on the news for something that happens in major cities every day.
Murder is the unlawful or unjustifiable killing of another person. If you kill someone in legitimate self-defense, you are not a murderer.
This, of course, doesn’t stop a lot of murderers from falsely claiming self-defense.
I have a hard time believing Purina makes some kind of special pet food that nobody else makes. Ask your vet about alternatives.
My cats need prescription food and I buy Royal Canin.
I completely boycott Amazon, Google, Walmart, Target, Starbucks, Nestle, the list goes on. It takes a tiny bit of effort. Most people aren’t willing to do even that.
I do this too, I usually end up lost.
And a court concludes I maaay have had some small part in the owner’s death?
I mean, this is gonna happen long after the petting is over. Go nuts.
I wonder what the psychology of posting about being downvoted is. I’m a pretty opinionated dude and get downvoted from time to time, but I just move on with my life instead of turning it into a big production or even acknowledging it, really. Not everyone’s gonna like everything you write, and it’s not like you’re going for some high score to get into social media paradise or something. Think about where you’re spending your energy man. This ain’t a good use of anyone’s time.
Hell yeah. They are always wet, usually a little dirty, and they are constantly putting on a show.
All of these idiots miss one important part of being sovereign.
You have to be able to project power against your neighbors. Otherwise they just take your shit. Same way all these idiots just get taken to jail.
Thanks, Debbie.
Can confirm, I’m just hitting my first year of using Tumbleweed as my main OS after giving up on Microsoft. It plays almost everything without issue. The very few things I boot into Windows for are games that I want to use Autohotkey with, old games that don’t work well with Proton, or VR.
When you switch and realize how much better it is than Windows, and you can rest easy knowing your own OS isn’t spying on you or stealing your data, it tends to make you a little bit of an evangelist.
Installing the popular Linux distros today is easier than Windows XP was, and it’s arguably easier than Windows 11. It definitely asks you less questions and doesn’t require you to change 30 different settings from the defaults.
Linux has come a long way from my first install of CentOS on a server in the mid 00’s. You had to be pretty dedicated to run linux successfully back then, but these days it’s cake.
Not me, but an ex-girlfriend. She would fill a bowl with potato chips (crisps to you Brits) and then pour ketchup all over and eat it like a bowl of cereal with a spoon.
I read about a study that said Homo sapiens may have been down to as few as 40 breeding pairs at one point.
I’ve got way more ammo than that in my closet.