Bold of you to assume the current administration will let you vote, except maybe as for where specifically the concentration camps for LGBTQ people will be built.
The strength of life to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.
Bold of you to assume the current administration will let you vote, except maybe as for where specifically the concentration camps for LGBTQ people will be built.
Yeah same, also I don’t usually need a year to think that. The next day often works. 😅
Oh I think you misunderstand me.
I’m not criticising who disagree with both parties, just those that did not vote and now want to pretend that didn’t have an effect largely the same as a vote. Most voting systems cannot model non-voting, and hence it ends up being a vote in effect, and for whom is something you let somebody else decide then. It’s silly to pretend otherwise. Abstaining means giving a vote to someone who you know won’t win, that’s the only way sadly.
To make abstaining visible you’d have to say, directly assign seats if the house to parties including that the percentage of non-voters forces seats to be left vacant or such. But I’m not sure anybody uses something like that, don’t think so.
And yet people voted a fascist into office who is now actively acclerating genocide including wanting a country fully depopulated.
And yet now you got a fascist himself who also actively supports fascism and actively supports and accelerates Genocide in two countries, including wanting to entirely depopulate one.
Whose job is it to inform voters if not the candidates themselves?
They did so, up and down. People just refused to listen, and rather listened to the republican stuff making them zero in on 2-3 issues out of thousands to make them not vote in the first place.
This time around the Democratic candidates were literally engaging in genocide, attacking immigrants, and attacking the working class while trying to claim that they were the “good guys.”
They were “engaging in genocide”? Oh that is is interesting.
Attacking immigrants? You mean the very party that the republicans were crying was daily bussing millions of illegal immigrants to american small towns was now attacking them instead? That’s odd, that doesn’t track with what the reps said!
And they’re attacking the working class? You mean the administration that, as per the available statistics, managed to undo the damage trump’s previous administration caused in regards to wage shift and even push for a (albeit small) improvement then went and physically assaulted those very workers on the streets? That’s interesting, I did not know that!
Don’t fall prey to the very mentality the Reps tried to mass-media-drill into the voter base to make them abstain or even vote for the Reps on, despite being strictly worse on those very issues they attacked the Dems over.
And yes, it’s not ideal that the US has a two-party system. It’s not ideal that the US has an electoral college. But you can’t improve that by, well, giving up and just making it worse. If faced with two bad options, and you had previously picked the less bad one, then you don’t pick the worse one just because you want some changes. You know it’s getting worse, that’s a change, but not one you ought to desire.
And so you voted by splitting your vote based on your local outcome. Which still, factually makes you have voted for either of the two.
One of which also wants your cost of living to go up (and is doing that now), social security to go down (and is doing that right now), reduce oversight of large corporations, massively expand corruption and corporate control of the government, reduce public safety and limit personal liberties.
If you got a choice between +9-1 and -11 (bonus for the Reps accelerating the genocide instead of abiding it) , and that’s your two options, you don’t pick the latter. And not voting is the same as voting for the local majority, so it matters fuck all what your intent was.
You, also, misunderstood what the vote was about, quite clearly.
The voters, genuinely. Because they misunderstood what the vote meant. It wasn’t about electing a democrating candidate, it was about keeping Trump out of office*. Note that this is not limited to non-voters, but includes every american.
*: This is not what a vote for the president is meant to be about. But hey, desperate times, desperate measures, that kinda stuff.
And only socialism in Europe and Russia can offer a meaningful response to this.
I mean maybe, but that’s utopian given that all socialism efforts so far where actually authoritan regimes using socialism as a label. We don’t know whether it’d help, we have exactly zero data points.
Na just a MAGA trumpist. They are like that, their brains have permanently atrophied and they cannot understand information any more, they just keep parrotting their bullshit endlessly like a broken record.
Well, I’m of two minds about that.
To a healthy person, the current system is pricier and more aggressive. Things are constantly being shoved in your face, but they’re all purchase-only, and 20€/skin is just absurd.
But, I disagree that it’s more predatory. To a vulnerable person, the new system doesn’t elicit an addictive response, which loot boxes due to their gambling nature do.
It’s such a shame that the OW1 discussion about loot boxes went nowhere in regards to giving ingame gambling the same legal framework as IRL gambling.
Exactly, just like a windmill running and a nuclear power plant running have very different effects on the power grid. Hence why comparing them directly is often such a nonsense act.
Since you can apply that logic to everything, how can you ever build anything? Because all consequences are dire on a myopic scale, that is, if your partner dies because a single electrician cheaped out with the wiring in your building and got someone to sign off, “It’s not as bad as a nuclear disaster” isn’t exactly going to console them much.
At some point, you need to accept that making something illegal and trying to prosecute people has to be enough. For most situations. It’s not perfect. Sure. But nothing ever is. And no solution to energy is ever going to be perfect, either.
No that’s just a typo, it’s a big ass-fuck SUV actually.