lol we’re getting into oxymoron territory with your use of “long and precise”. Again, you aren’t defining fascism and getting on multiple people about being wrong. It’s rather comedic at this point and you keep pointing to a 20minute video for a “definition”. You’re disputing terms while declaring someone needs to watch a whole video series instead of… defining or saying what constitutes fascism.
If you can’t clearly state for everyone wtf you’re talking about specifically, I doubt the video helped at all and you’re just tripling down on trying to be snooty.
Ty, wasn’t trying to dispute correctness, just they never actually defined or tried to give a clear explanation (besides a 20min video not everyone is going to watch). As we’ve seen it’s a simple definition but even the video points out it’s more complicated because of how people are using it, highlighting just how important it is to make direct and concise declarations of what we’re talking about so there is no confusion.
Oh man, talk about a head fuck. Sending drugs/immigrants to Canada and guns/gangs to Mexico. We(usa) are rightly fucked as a society, over half of us probably feel a weird joy of being such a cluster fuck of a trailerpark neighbor. The shit we prop up, including narcissistic actions being praised, makes me glad that I’m seeing so many countries pushing back on importing more “American culture” and going by their own light.
I think the “seriously fuck america” is a little much and vague. Even if immigrants and drugs from Mexico were previously perceived wrongly (at least in amplitude and hysteria), I never thought “fuck Mexico”. I think people are kinda forgetting that even if the coaches have changed, this is still America’s playbook. They’re not going to play unless they make us pay. We’ve been targeting smaller countries and doing the same bullshit with a clean smile to the world for decades. Look at the ACA, now everyone HAS to have insurance (doesn’t help affordability, and sometimes costs more), and they’ve tacked on a yearly fine if you don’t comply while basically allowing the government to subsidize the insurance ceos.
We’re a publicly traded country now though instead of being privately cut-throat. Stock holders want their continued profits and they see bigger gains in bigger countries.
It’s kinda sad, I’ve been back and forth with online ordering actually being a “logistical god-send” for our chaotic consumerism. I mean think about it, one full delivery truck that can bring in a full neighborhoods worth of goods for the week/day versus every single car being driven to only transport a portion or less of a trunk (sometimes driving out for even one item).
In a perfect “non-monopoly/Amazon couldn’t exist world” where everyone could plan ahead and have everything shipped, you could save on store/display costs (including environmental) and just have a smaller distribution center from semi-trucks to box trucks for local deliveries. Could even go from box truck to local end point distribution (biking,etc) so city spaces could go car-less. Keep the local farmers/co-op markets for socializing/freshest produce-shipping and bob’s your uncle.
Instead we have the worlds most horrific amalgamation where you have underpaid people in fucking V8 trucks delivering a few bags of groceries someone has “door dashed” from the local grocery store or just a burger from a local joint so they don’t have to cook because they only have an hour of free time a day.
It’s so bad and cyclical while just being unavoidable in some areas. On the map, you’ll notice how heavily populated northern europe is compared to a lot of sparse areas which have less options. I’m in a relatively normal size town and there is one big box choice and maybe one defunct “local” store that’s barely getting by.
I had to beg a guy in a corner shopping center “repair shop” for a small syringe of thermal paste when I ran out (I’m not fucking kidding, there’s just no electronics store anywhere nearby, losing Radioshack was fucking hard). Dude at the shop was the only reason I didn’t have to go online and wait a week (he wasn’t selling it, just had spare for his own use). My trades and hobbies make this a common occurrence throughout the week. Most places now are forced to sell on Amazon to remain competitive (Amazon dominates with shipping cost reduction alone for large items), finding a local or even nationally based company through search algorithms becomes harder and harder as they can’t pay to keep up with SEO bullshit. You can try to keep it all legit but with competitive monopolies everywhere you just eventually find out your favorite company no longer really exists.
There are some suppliers I could shop with but each one is an hour drive in different directions and 80% of the time they’re ordering the same shit through the same companies I would be using if I went online. It works sometimes, but takes so much effort it becomes it’s own full-time job that no one has the ability to keep up with.
Good lord, you said nuh uh and linked a 20 minute video with no explanation. Congrats
lazy transcript of intro copy/paste.
fascism is a term i’ve heard thrown around since i was a kid but most of the time idiomatically fascist is what you called your type a passive-aggressive roommate stop being such a fascist deborah through osmosis i knew its literal meaning was among a cluster of related words authoritarianism totalitarianism white supremacy nationalism dictatorship but for much of my life if you pressed me to define any of these words i could have only said you know nazis hitler the gestapo you know nazis this colloquializing of fascism and its association with the cultural shorthand for pure evil makes it very hard to discuss as an ideology because even using the word fascism sounds both hyperbolic and like a punch below the belt to call a person group or idea fascist is to exaggerate for the purpose of dragging them this counter-intuitively prevents us from criticizing fascist groups even though most everyone agrees fascism is terrible because saying it you sound ridiculous you’re talking about indiana jones villains so i’m going to be using the word fascism kind of a lot in this video hoping that we can semantically satiate it just enough that it’s connotative meanings irreverent sarcasm and the envisioning of stormtroopers are dulled to the point that we can talk about fascism as a system of beliefs and as a mode of political organizing and about who practices it today our work necessitates a conversation about fascism specifically white fascism, fascism fascism fascism
Is there like a direct point you’re trying to highlight for the class? It’s honestly weird seeing “White Fascism”, like… just the distinguishing ‘white’ term and making ‘white fascism’ seem more important than just regular ol ‘fascism’ makes this feel like a whole other level of racism/white superiority that blows my mind.
I try to reply instead of downvoting, healthier for discourse and sometimes opens up new perspectives from others. I also try not to abandon conversations (though I have hundreds in my inbox I haven’t gotten to).
I don’t appreciate the shift in trying to pin me with your own thoughts so probably best to end the chain, but I’ll still validate and not argue your experience because it is art (begrudgingly admitted) and you are human.
I’ll just blanket reply @Snowclone@lemmy.world and @nahostdeutschland@feddit.org here since it’s all basically the same response I’m getting with attempts at insults sprinkled in.
I guess I’m reiterating, “This is a shit comic that does nothing for anyone but the creator getting rageclicks.” It’s the difference between Dane Cook or George Carlin stand up, punching up or punching down, etc. “656 anti trans bills” (please actually link useful facts snowclown 1,2) This comic didn’t bring up a single one of them, or their authors or their districts where efforts could be made to make progressive movements.
but again, I’m critiquing the comic and it’s attempt at … being something? I suppose I feel it’s more harmful than helpful, helps incite more rage than awareness. It’s an absurd scenario in which a maga person looking at this “knows” they wouldn’t stab someone so they can shrug off the hyperbole (while still supporting politicians that undermine transrights). On the progressive side we just have bullshit political polarization.
There’s deeper conversations and fundamentals to get into which can be debated but irregardless my only gripe is “it’s a lazy comic taking easy swings at low hanging fruit that just further muddies the water instead of progressing anything”. I think if you’re going to be faux-edgy, you should probably stay out of making such direct political statement cartoons.
I think I can explain the bad taste the comic leaves in my mouth regarding politics (and generally a lot of the discussion). It’s not that everything isn’t politics, it’s that everything is being framed as “two-sided politics”, black/white, red/blue. An argument can be made that with “the system”(america), yes voting action can be viewed that way. But it’s subjugating the entire conversation 100% of the time.
For instance, what policy is this comic critiquing and bringing awareness too? It feels like the lowest effort-bottom of the barrel attempt at a political cartoon for the clicks and ragebait. It’s not calling attention to any individuals or organizations involved, it’s a satirical stabbing for communities that are really hurting.