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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I distinctly recall in 2015 CBS cutting away from live Hillary Clinton rallies in the middle of her speech to instead go live to Trump’s empty podium before he even came out on stage.

    Yeah, but he’s a MAN. A bigly important BUSINESS man, too, no less. So obviously it’s much more important to get all ready to hear what he is going to say, as opposed to broadcasting some mere woman - who everyone is saying is incredibly shrill and omg, that laugh [1], amirite? - and any of her so-called ideas.

    /s, just in case anyone thinks that real…

    [1] If anyone needs evidence of just how skewed coverage is of Hillary (and Kamala) vs. little d, examining how they talk about their laugh is instructive. I mean, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen donnie ever have what looks like a genuine human emotion when it comes to humor. He does that weird grimace when he or someone else is punching down on someone. But have you ever seen the guy laugh at a joke or something that is not mean-spirited? The guy seems like he’s just very unhappy, and I find that far more weird than anything about Hillary or Kamala’s laugh. I think a lot of weak men hear a woman laughing and assume it’s AT THEM, so that’s why there was so much time spent on talking about it…

  • I would not be the least surprised if the sum total of the “l33t h4x0r skills” of these teenagers boils down to knowing the least bit about whatever the latest Javascript frontend framework is, combined with some LLM to help them with it…this is what happens when a whole lot of idiots think that being young == being tech-savvy.

    People hand the tech decisions over to complete morons with no understanding and so much Dunning-Kruger that they not only don’t know shit about something like PLCs, and may not have even heard of them, they’ll be too fucking arrogant to ask people that DO know, because, gosh, they might be OLD (i.e., > 30 years old) or something.

  • You can see the video. It seems like an extremely mild bunch of people asking him questions he was uncomfortable about.

    He’s just whining. I’m remembering how the qons were acting like it was 9/11 2.0 when Huckabee was…checks notes…denied a fucking cheese plate at a restaurant that didn’t want to be seen endorsing these monsters.

    I also remember something in the first little d term where some con was joined on the sidewalk, and people around him walked along with him, asking questions he didn’t like. He acted like he was this close to be abducted by terrorists. I can’t remember if that was Tucker or what, but it was some right wing douche clutching their pearls over a big fucking nothing.

  • This reminds of the way Klan Mom and her pedo side-kick Gaetz acted when they were followed around and asked questions. The way they think it should work is that they get to call liberals [1] any and all names in the book. Also they get to defend the J6 terrorists that they call “political prisoners”, and others should not even be able to be heard in their response to these monsters. And if the opposition IS heard, and they are shouted down, they’ll cry endlessly about it and talk about their “free speech”. Even when assholes like this can get on the likes of Faux “News” nearly any time with one phone call, while their opposition cannot.

    [1] “Liberals”, meaning, anyone that doesn’t have their lips around the shaft of the mini-mushroom.

  • This is how denialism works. Things that have been accepted as reality by non-denialists are rejected by others. So you have vaccine denialists, evolution denialists, Holocaust denialists, HIV denialists, moon-landing denialists. They typically use logical fallacies and almost never operate in good faith.

    Also, vaccines have basically been a victim of their own success. It’s easy to look around at a healthy population and think that the thing preventing many now rare diseases didn’t really have anything to do with it. I’m surprised someone as old as Bobby Brainworm falls for this, but humans are fantastic at not learning anything from history and not listening to wiser elders. Humans are also great at not understanding science.

    The anti-vaccine thing is very much akin to the anti-government thing. The idiots that are still cheering on Republicans and the conservative ideology as they break government norms and government services and institutions have no idea what government was doing for them, but like the measles outbreaks and the anti-vaxxer idiocy, we are all about to find out.