My love for unions eclipses my hatred for the TSA on this one.
My love for unions eclipses my hatred for the TSA on this one.
The Thumper from Tribes. Most people went with the Spinfusor because of the linear projectile, but once you learn to account for the arcing shots the Thumper was better.
Yup. In multiplayer, I used to blow a crater in the floor with explosives and then sit in the hole with the rail gun, shooting people through the floor.
The tea party was almost entirely an engineered movement from the Koch brothers.
The message was clear. It’s purely corporate propaganda that it wasn’t.
The lack of leadership was intentional because left leaders tend to go the way of Fred Hampton.
Stick it between the prong of an electric plug, then plug into an outlet. Instafried
Ultimately the police and military lean heavily Republican, especially at the leadership level. That means they can push things farther than the Dems.
This might be one of the few cases where the Supreme Court might rule against Trump because it means they keep their power.
And to think, the Boston Tea Party was over the modern equivalent of a $1.40 per pound tax on tea.