It would also require everyone to own 4+ houses which isn’t exactly feasible
It would also require everyone to own 4+ houses which isn’t exactly feasible
Plus any impact the insulation of the newly fallen snow brings
He can try, but previous supreme courts have said civil contempt isn’t pardonable.
I think It would be civil as opposed to criminal contempt because the court wants to force the agencies to comply with their orders, not as punishment for defying orders.
You’re forgetting the other profit motive. The president is also a (shitty) real estate magnate looking to scoop up cheap properties afterwards.
Named for ornithologist John Canada.
Sorry, if your parents are providing for more than 50% of your expenses they get to claim you as a dependent, and you only qualify based on your parents income.
Wouldn’t apply if you’re literally orphaned, but it can be rough trying to prove your parents disowned you, if they still claim you as a dependent for the tax breaks.
Wrong shade, could work for Trump tho
Don’t forget the new plans for an explicitly Christian Disney princess
Looks like a restart fixed it, but I think it refused to delete since you had the folder open. Your task manager showed 2 instances of windows explorer. I bet it was minimized and got overlooked
Yes. Literally turning it off and then on again via shutdown doesn’t reset the counter, like restart does.
That’s a good point, most people using this would be familiar with ad blockers, and auto playing video stoppers, and cookie consent removers, and blockers for notification & Geo-location requests.
But now my concern is shifted to whether or not a 4 core a55 cpu can handle the extra workload from the extensions. It doesn’t sound more powerful than an early raspi, and I know those had issues just browsing the web
Screen isn’t tall enough for the modern Mobile Web. I’m imagining the whole screen will be covered with ads with a 1:1 aspect ratio
I kind of appreciate the juxtaposition of ‘100 billion dollars’ and ‘poor’