Correct me if I’m wrong as I’m an Australian but isnt Alabama the only state that doesnt have a NHL, NFL, NBA or MLB franchise?
(Contiguous states that is, Alaska and Hawaii dont count.)
Correct me if I’m wrong as I’m an Australian but isnt Alabama the only state that doesnt have a NHL, NFL, NBA or MLB franchise?
(Contiguous states that is, Alaska and Hawaii dont count.)
Thats the thing. If a customer forgot to mask off an alarm panel or two not taking the 5 minutes to do it just makes you look like a fucking asshole. If they didnt mask off a bunch of stuff then you call them, tell them that either you need to add to the estimate or rebook the job.
With an exemption for the first 5 years after building. Companies and investors need to be incentivised to build property not hold onto it.
This is also why I own 2 shitbox cars.
I’m a good amateur mechanic. But I cant guarantee I wont order the wrong part, be sent the wrong part, have misdiagnosed the problem, the job turns out to be a nightmare etc… So as long as the other one is running, I have time and ability to sort it out.
You start with “surely I need more than that” amounts of vegimite and “surely I dont need that much” amounts of butter and adjust inwards over time until you hit your preference.
Vegemite on toast is just good.
Foreigners always fuck up the ratios.
Hypothetically are you going to carry salt water e everywhere with you? Seriously?
Ita so much easier to carry small sachets of salt in tour pocket and way more discreet to tear open, pour into your palm and just accidentally put it all over the car as you walk past.
I know a guy who bought a plot of almost worthless land an hour out of town fenced jt and bought a bunch of goats. We all thought he was insane.
10 years later he is retired at 40 because it turns out that certain communities will pay very good money for organic free range goat.
So I was REALLY wrong. Lol