If the GME/AMC story taught me anything, the price of a stock doesn’t necessarily reflect the value of the company. It’s just what people are willing to buy/sell the stock for.
If the GME/AMC story taught me anything, the price of a stock doesn’t necessarily reflect the value of the company. It’s just what people are willing to buy/sell the stock for.
Well, the concert every week thing is an issue regarding ticket inflation caused by Ticketmaster and their subsidiaries; but I digress.
As for raising a kid, yeah, they’re expensive and everything is pretty shit now. I’m sure most people that want to raise a kid in a good environment want to have a home first (I know I did), and that’s effectively impossible right now.
I recommend using a tool to scramble all of your comments, waiting a while, and then deleting. Check back every few days to verify deletion before ultimately closing your account. For some reason, if a subreddit is hidden or closed, you can delete your messages from there until it’s reopened.
I spent about 2 weeks deleting my accounts from reddit during the mobile app exodus.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any good advice, but I do want to point out that making friends continues to become more difficult as you get older. From what I understand, it’s important to have some sort of activity that takes you away from home and work where you can potentially meet people. When you get older and have a family, that becomes even more difficult as your spare time dries up.