I read it as a funny, polite, “fuck you”. It’s only going to piss someone off who bought a Tesla as a sign of status and is still a fan of Elon Musk. Everyone else will see it either as helpful but misguided or will get the joke.
I read it as a funny, polite, “fuck you”. It’s only going to piss someone off who bought a Tesla as a sign of status and is still a fan of Elon Musk. Everyone else will see it either as helpful but misguided or will get the joke.
Oh fuck thanks for reminding me
Should have said “yous guyses”
Cause you had the greatest internet security you could ever ask for: unmonetizability.
No? He’s acquiring capital (land, shrimp farm equipment, shromps) and using his labor to create something (more shromps) and selling his product for a profit.
He owns the property, takes the investment risk, and keeps the profits. In theory he’s competing in a market with other shrimp sellers but like I said from the sound of it the market is pretty thin so he gets to sell for a huge profit.
Anon discovers basic capitalism and lucked into an underserved market.
Physics is basically “some guy way cooler and way nerdier than you 100 years ago did some experiments observing this law, and because of that we can use really hard math to predict the whole universe.”
To what end yoga? To what end…
The problem with every organization app.
“It worked for me! Now all my projects are organized and it’s so much easier than when I was keeping everything in my head… After I was able to sit down and focus for a day to import all my data and organize it and set up the program to tailor to my application and now that I go back to it to reorganize my new info every week…”