Who the hell knew this law was still in action? Also, laws can only be struck down in court when it’s being applied to someone and it’s found unconstutional. That’s when an org like the ACLU steps in for the defendant.
_ a _ the Rich
What? I’m clearly saying Tax the Rich.
Regardless, fuck that website.
AI techbros will have you believe that you can solve world hunger, cure cancer
And yet they don’t. Well, we already know how to solve world hunger. Just not a willingness.
Researchers are using AI as an additional tool for discovering new drugs, but the techbros and pharmabros are going to be over charging for any new cures even if they become cheaper to discover.
Remember when CoD bragged about having reactive fish when Mario 64 did it years earlier?
Wouldn’t be the first time.
Because The Verge wants them to return their calls. It’s not like it matters. Spokespeople aren’t the ones making decisions. It’s the C-suits, which is publicly available.
That hasn’t happened in a long time.
We also desperately wanted any space program. The space shuttles were retired in 2011 and we were reliant on Russia for flights at that point.
Musk said the things progressives wanted to hear, but eventually we wanted substance. That’s when he shifted to catering to conservatives, who are ok with being lied to.
I wonder if this is an example of malicious compliance.
If vatniks could read, they’d be so angry.
The moment I saw an EA title, I knew the list was flawed. Plenty of these games should be boycotted for other reasons.
All the progressives left and it’s just libertarians now.
I thought the golden trump stature at CPAC was either satire or a prank, but it was real.
… maybe you should talk to some minorities from other countries. I mean people who are minorities within their own country.
I got invited to the theaters and wasn’t told that it was going to be one of the full menu dinner experiences. Hated it. Mediocre, overpriced, microwaved food and distractions the whole time. They know not to invite me to those again.
Side note, if your friend wears glasses, make sure they know if it’s going to a 3d showing so they can get their contacts. Stacking glasses sucks.
Nobody ever goes left after a traumatic brain injury. Same thing with Gary Busey.
The Seeker from Singularity is greatly under appreciated like the whole game. It fires a steerable bullet and slows time down while doing so.
BTW, any smart asses that want to go “Well Ackchyually” that the gun shoots the whole bullet with the casing, it’s based on gyrojet guns.