It is the ONLY thing that solves it long term. Politics of the larger army have always worked.
How exactly do you negotiate with someone who constantly breaks peace agreements he signed?
There is not enough competition.
No, that is not the issue anymore and has not been for a while. Last time, to stop this, the government had to threaten with anti cartel actions - the prices were suddenly down again.
Disproven? Specific cases, that is things someone said*, were proven to be false. Not that it generally did not happen. There was a ton of sexual violence, why shouldn’t there be? There always is in any even remotely comparable event. If you did not see pictures of dead babies then I really recommend to leave it that way, but they too were murdered.
*Just imagine the circumstances under which this happened. People say far more absurd things in far less traumatizing events. I really hate how the media jumpes on such things - in both directions, mind you.
It is like saying climate change has been disproven because someone falsely claimed that only the emissions of planes are the cause.
Two wrong do not make a right, but acting as if Hamas did not do horrible fucked up shit is not helping.
Here is the list 6.9 vs 4.2 deaths per 1 billion km. 12.8 vs. 3.35 per 100’000 inhabitants.
But you need both for a fuller puncture, not everyone involved/dieing is in a vehicle.
You made a typo there mate, GGK_H_D…
Why on Facebook? :(
Religion and healthcare do not mix. Very simple.
You had me on the first 95 %, not gonna lie.