Okay, but when this is discussed “making opt out the default” means you are signed up and have to opt out if you don’t want to be signed up.
Okay, but when this is discussed “making opt out the default” means you are signed up and have to opt out if you don’t want to be signed up.
Sorry, “unfertilized poultry embryos experiencing undocumented status”.
Dernt knew nuff tu refuse yer argament, butt u sed edumacation su im uffended!!!
Have you ever, in your life, received a rent decrease because they were matching the economic conditions…?
What’s it called when you do what you want in defiance of the Judiciary, literally 1 co-equal member of the 3 pillars of our entire government!?
You’ve seen what they think of women, right?
It’s a good start! I know billionaires have so much money, we could literally never affect the quality of his day-to-day life, but we can avoid anything he’s associated with and ostracize him from society! That will feel nice…
Vance may be smarter than Trump (my laundry pile is smarter than Trump), but he doesn’t have the same support. The reason DJT gets away with so much is because Republicans need the support of his massive base of maga freaks. They’re uninformed, hateful, violent… but they’re loyal.
No, it’s fine, Chelsea: dig your foot into my eye as you clamber up there… I have two of them, after all!
Let me guess: this idiot and his supporters ignored all warnings and voted for Trump…?
I’m largely uninformed on the specifics, but it’s insane that he can use EOs to give himself the authority to do a thing, then go do the thing he previously wasn’t allowed to do. What the fuck, America!?
Not as wild as almost 10,000 of their residents wanting that!
Does the president actually have the power to union-bust, or is he just continuing to do what he wants…? I realize it’s largely an academic question, since no one will resist this guy’s illegal actions…
A “backup”?
That’s how unions are supposed to work. It’s really the only bargaining chip workers have, at least until we can all be 100% replaced by ai and robots…
I love rules that rhyme!
Eh, they’re just a client. Service Pupper is all business.
Don’t forget about housing! Can’t even have shelter from the elements without paying through the nose to some rent-raising billionaire or giant corporation…
The rational people of Georgia, of course!
What a needlessly aggressive reply…