I feel like if the best reason one has for how they might be able to score a point on her is “but she could make a mistake” they’ve kind of conceded that it’s not actually possible.
I feel like if the best reason one has for how they might be able to score a point on her is “but she could make a mistake” they’ve kind of conceded that it’s not actually possible.
Oh my God those “Greater Idaho” people are insane.
Worse than that since you can actually kill yourself by taking too much vitamin A. It’s more like trying to treat the measles by playing Russian roulette.
I about died laughing just now. I’m nonbinary but I was curious about what was actually on the page so I clicked the button. My internet is shit sometimes because Spectrum fucking sucks and it chose that moment to drop connection for a second and the page didn’t load.
The one that got me when I was still undiagnosed still infuriates me to this day.
You just need to apply yourself more.
I tried that and went from a 90 average slacking off to a 92 burning myself out “applying myself” in place of any activity that brought me joy.
I know when I did tennis in gym class in high school I struggled to figure out how to keep the ball in the court.