Well, lots of webpages apply CSS, either disabling the history coloring entirely or at least choosing different colors. It does still happen with blue and purple, but it’s not nearly as obvious anymore that these specific two colors refer to that.
Well, lots of webpages apply CSS, either disabling the history coloring entirely or at least choosing different colors. It does still happen with blue and purple, but it’s not nearly as obvious anymore that these specific two colors refer to that.
Damn, on YouTube, this would’ve been a twenty minute video, with three unboxings, half a life story and somehow less information than is packed into this.
Random tip: Kala Namak is a condiment which tastes a lot like egg yolk. If you sprinkle it onto some cooked white beans, that’s kind of like scrambled eggs (well, it is different, but also good and might satiate a craving).
Basically, Kala Namak is salt+sulphur. Egg yolk also contains sulphur, and well, sulphur is one of the minerals we should be eating anyways.
I do sometimes wonder, how much video games influenced my socialization. I also do the thing where I barely say anything and just expect others to be saying things to me, like I’m a silent protagonist.
I think, you have to read it like this:
He explained that IRQ suspension enhances network performance … by reducing unnecessary CPU interruptions during high-traffic periods. It also maintains low latency during low-traffic conditions.
Für den Fall, dass das nicht einfach nur ein Seitenhieb gegen die CDU ist, oftmals sind auch Opas bei den Omas Gegen Rechts mit dabei. Also wäre natürlich cool, wenn da noch mehr Eigeninitiative herrschen würde, so dass sie nicht nur Mitläufer sind, aber jegliche Form von Nicht-Arschloch-Sein würde ich grundsätzlich willkommen heißen.
Yeah, I would feel so ridiculous, propelling this whole fucking boat just to move my ass to the grocery store…
So, you have to start it while your cursor is over the wallpaper, but then you can click on windows to kill them, right?
The engine makes it so HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc. are downloaded and turned into pixels you can look at. The browser embeds an engine for that purpose, but then also has a URL bar, tabs, bookmarks, a history feature and so on.
Konkret bedeuten tut die Stecknadel übrigens, dass der Post in der ich_iel-Community aktuell immer ganz oben angezeigt wird. Das können die Mods nutzen, um eben z.B. Ankündigungen sichtbar zu machen.
It’s the value of the US dollar over the past 5 days. This is too short of a timespan to assign much meaning to this, but if it keeps dropping, US citizens will eventually have to spend more dollars for the same goods.
In theory, they would also receive more dollars from their job, since they still do the same job and that should be valued the same. But in practice, that’s going to naturally lag behind and companies also have to spend more dollars for resources, so they might never hand out a big enough number of dollars to match the current pay.
Schon krass, wie viel Gegenwind Merz ohne Probleme lostreten kann. So viele Prof., Dr. und Co. haben selten die selbe Meinung geteilt.
Yep, works in KDE.
On the Mastodon side of things, I have a word filter for “reminder”. If a post contains the word “reminder” in any context, I will not see it.
I’ve just found that most of the time, people make posts like “Reminder that <highly subjective opinion>”. I really don’t know, if it’s a meme at this point, but I still don’t particularly care to read it.
Western European hedgehogs are now classified as “potentially endangered”. :(
One time, some person from high up the hierarchy came to our department meetup. So, a room full of people who have this job, because they enjoy coding. And the guy said something along the lines of “with AI, you won’t have to do coding anymore” like that’s a good thing. Yeah, dude, wrong audience for that speech…