1 day agoThis is a sorting feature of Lemmy, your Subscription feed shows only the communities you’ve subscribed too. But with Lemmy being small-ish in daily active users, sorting by All isn’t too uncommon. I’m pretty sure this is what’s going on with OP, or at least that what I assumed here.
Yep, as of this week at least… For some background, Vitamins A, D, E, and K are the fat-soluble vitamins. This means overdosing on them can take quite a long time to fully recover from. Excessive Vitamin A can result in significant liver, bone, central nervous system, and skin damage, as well as hair loss. But I’ve not once heard RFK say anything about dosage, which is idiotic for someone in his position. Vitamin A’s primary role for humans involves regulating cell/tissue growth and differentiation. Vitamin A’s main prescription usage is for cystic or nodular acne under the brand name Accutane. Accutane’s dosage needs to be very dialed in, so much so that the patients using it must get monthly blood work, if not bimonthly or weekly. Additionally, women must agree to not get pregnant on Accutane, as it leads to severe birth defects and other pregnancy complications. But sure, the dude in charge of the department of health sees no need to say anything about dosage, just that taking Vitamin A is helpful for measles while there’s an exceptional vaccine readily available…