Yeah I put that part about nuance for a reason.
Yeah I put that part about nuance for a reason.
FDR was a great man but he was forged in the fires of a time far far worse. I shudder to think how bad things need to get before we get leadership like that back.
ITT: People that have no understanding of nuance, or parasitism versus symbiosis. Some people actually find ownership to be bothersome, some people prefer leasing cars instead of buying, some people have good landlords, some other have shitty landlords. But let the hyperbolic nonsense fly and let’s nuke everyone and everything!
Emotions aren’t inherently positive or negative. It’s what you do with the emotions that has actual moral substance.
Here, let’s look at it this way.
I say something, and it made you sad. However, you know full well my intent was not to make you sad. Despite this, you use your sadness to guilt me about the thing. So now I feel sad that you are purposefully misinterpreting my meaning.
I am offended that you are offended. Explain to my why my feeling is invalid and yours is valid.
Anyone can feel bad about anything.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
I’m not saying go around purposely making people sad. I’m saying don’t make your sadness my issue.
Yeah, I feel the same way. Like my friends thought I was extra confident and brave, but no I’m terrified just like everyone is. I just find the unknown and the uncertain way more terrifying and uncomfortable, so I’m always asking why why why till I figure out what’s going on.
Absolutely! But, then again I’m neurodivergent so me not understanding the inefficiency in societal trends and communication is just… Life for me.
I think my entire lens through which I view reality is governed by efficiency. Which makes me blunt, to the point, no filter. But even those who know me well still took a long time to learn that I just say what I think, and there’s no additional unspoken thoughts behind it, and had to work hard to stop projecting onto me. But that’s why I love them deeply.
Did I say you’re not meeting your responsibilities?
Just because you’re responsible doesn’t mean you failed your duty or that you’re SOLELY responsible you doofus.
You might want to get that overt hostility and projection checked.
Like you could have custody of a child. You’re responsible for him. Doesn’t mean you’re not being a good dad. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give a shit if your kid starts wrecking the neighborhood.
Calm the fuck down.
And yes, civic responsibility does go beyond just voting. Like our pervasive attitude as a society that complains about jury duty, or brags about getting out of it. Our duty to challenge our leaders openly.
You voted. Did everyone? How about the primary? You voted in that? Mid terms? Did you go to town halls? Did you campaign for someone? Did you call your representatives? Did you talk to your local community?
This idea that hey I voted, GG, is literally the apathy I’m talking about, and it’s not directed at YOU the individual. It’s directed at US as a PEOPLE.
The problem with you is your individualistic through and through, very American. And you think hey, if I can’t single handedly fix something, there’s no reason to expend effort.
You know what I never understood? When someone says “I’m offended by that,” society generally accepts that as valid. But if I say “I’m offended that you’re offended.” That’s somehow invalid.
As if I cannot have an emotional reaction to being misunderstood or misinterpreted. People just assume bad faith and contrarian behavior instead of trying to figure out where the other person is coming from.
Well I assume when talking from a government perspective, the conversation is going to inevitably become about highschool sports and whatnot. Where I still definitely don’t want to touch this with a 10 foot pole!
Yeah, your lack of accountability is the exact same attitude we collectively share that got us to this point. You are literally talking about how you have personally benefitted from the opportunities afforded to you by living in this country, and simultaneously washed your hands of any responsibility.
So yeah. I know you don’t take responsibility. That’s my point. Good job. Be proud of that I guess.
Your feelings are yours to manage. You say why hurt someone when you can avoid it. I say why get hurt in the first place? Everyone has feelings about everything. No feeling is any more valid than any other feeling.
Games are supposed to be fair. Unless you’re going to completely desegregate men and women’s sports, there’s a real biological argument to be made here. To pretend otherwise is delusional.
Yeah I’m not touching this with a ten foot pole. This is so low priority.
Like it or not, it’s our responsibility as citizens. It’s our fault the world has to deal with this. You don’t get the benefits of living in a society without the responsibility. ESPECIALLY if the majority feels differently. Collectively, the majority has been too passive in participating in shaping our government and we’ve allowed lunacy to take hold.
I actually think that was from the smell of him walking by. Seriously.
This is the kind of stupidity that has us reinventing language constantly. Words mean what they mean. To hell with how they make you feel. BLACKLIST WHITELIST 😲 The horror!
I thought they already had a warning shot doctrine.
I mean their search results have gone to absolute shit anyway, the AI is probably better at this point.
The reason it gets cut down so much is the advertised jackpot is the 25 year pay over time annuity amount. You get only about half if you take lump sum. And THEN that’s taxed at a high bracket.