Wow…you weren’t kidding
“The increases primarily resulted from significantly higher average egg selling prices, primarily due to the reduction in egg supply caused by HPAI and higher grain and other input costs, as some of our egg sales prices are based on formulas related to our costs of production,”
Why is there even an investigation needed? They literally say they made more profit because of higher egg prices. If it was supply and demand, their profits would reflect that. Just because there is a smaller supply doesn’t mean they automatically earn a bigger profit. It’s price gouging.
Forza Horizon is a great arcade racer. This is the first I’ve heard about the requirement, so maybe after it spreads online, there will be more vocal pushback.
I promise you there are hundreds if not thousands more that are too afraid, or are so brainwashed that they believe to this day it was their fault.
Covid and now measles seems to be a start.
Buttery males!
I’m sure SpaceX will gladly step up and fill the void.
The problem is the potential planet is so far that it would barely reflect any light. We have inferred from computer models that for known planet and object orbits in our neck of the woods, there needs to be a planet there to create those orbits.
We just can’t see it because it’s so far out there, it’s really really dark, and it doesn’t pass in front of a star to see the dimming effect that would let us know it’s there. If we knew where to exactly point telescopes, it’s possible with enough study we could say it’s really there.
I did 32 because at the time, the price difference to 16gb was like 20 bucks.
The fucker who used to constantly talk about the stock market being the gauge of his success suddenly doesn’t care its tanking? Who would have guessed?
I mean, that’s what they are doing at the Whitehouse now anyway.
This HAS to be the only reason.
I’ve been on the internet for awhile, I even remember the ctrlaltdelete comic coming out. I can honestly say I don’t ever remember seeing this meme before, or even the blowback from the comic itself. Weird how I can be on the net almost daily for years and still see new (old?) memes.
I happened to watch the segment on those stats. They clearly stated the stats would be biased to Trump. People tend to watch the state of the union if their party won election, so those polled for this were heavily republican.
Better than these one day protests that LITERALLY do nothing. At least a 40 day boycott would hit a fiscal month, vs a single day outlier protest.
Too many speaking gaffes…
Look at our current sitting president.
Strange New Worlds is fantastic. Lower Decks is great too but you will appreciate a lot more if you watch some of the previous series.
That’s my wife, then after like 2 minutes she tells me to watch it.
So he wants tariffs to make us money, then complains when they don’t want to send anything here? Da fuq?