There’s definately a line that crosses into hoa territory. Hoa’s are basically sov cits in reverse.
There’s definately a line that crosses into hoa territory. Hoa’s are basically sov cits in reverse.
Are they plannimg on closing bases too?
Good luck dealing with a Mexican insurgency.
I thought they were concerned about flouride lowering IQ yet they want to “cure” autism, curious 🤔
The last guy in charge was a corporate lobbyist so…
It dpends. I rented out my old house for about 5 years because I couldn’t afford to sell it (underwater) mortgage was ~$500 rent was $650.
I still don’t undrrstand why
To what end? Just to kill your own supporters?
I knew they were going to start cracking down on piracy. They’ll use it as an excuse to make vpns illegal.
That’s the idea behind this. They want it to go to the SC so then they can say companies can do whatever they want.
No, they’re supposed to be fall guys.
It doesn’t matter if they’re a good company or not. It causes them to put pressure on the government.
Digikey is the worst about that
God the facebook laughing emoji is cancer
A lot of manufacturers have their own Amazon stores. I’ve also bought from manufacturers on eBay, but they’re not much better.
Honestly a lot of small vendors can still get you stuff in two days if they use prioriy mail or UPS.
It references a hot button political issue, and most of the comments are about politics.
Let’s make them the next kmart
Just file an llc and do whatever you want. Cops don’t hassle company vehicles. I see dump trucks with no plates all the time.
That’s where I’m at with the whole thing. Yeah they really fucked up everything, but at the same time most of those agencies were fucking us anyway.