*for the most part.
Some places it does.
*for the most part.
Some places it does.
A large part of the efficacy of vaccines comes from everyone around you also being mostly immune. If there are giant holes in the shield, everyone near those holes becomes more vulnerable. The vaccines can be overcome by the disease if enough viral load is present.
We learned a lot of lessons from the first one. Here’s hoping we don’t make the same mistakes.
I agree with this, but you have to admit that if all corps were like steam it would be a lot better.
Put this unelected immigrant in a hole in Guantanamo.
Thank you. Not everything in life is an asset to be leveraged to prop up your own position above those around you.
This psychotic way of thinking has led us to this sorry state. And I don’t just mean the USA.
Begun, the Corporate Wars have.
I brought 3 cats to the USA from Thailand, with little problem. There was a bunch of tests and paperwork, but compared to human visa and such, it was easy. Idk where you got the idea that it’s not legal to bring pets…?
They could have all been thrown out for protesting his speech. They could have thrown literal rotten tomatoes at him. FUCKING ANYTHING would be better than this shit.
Honestly, I am just hoping that the new country/countries that emerge from the smoking heap of America will try harder to enshrine democracy. Likely that will take decades.
You got any more of them memes?
Shakes with withdrawal
Hey man, come on. Don’t hold out!