I’m just surprised that no one has jumped on from .ml to deny that the genocide is happening.
I’m just surprised that no one has jumped on from .ml to deny that the genocide is happening.
Yeah, that happens sometimes. It happened to me the 2nd or 3rd time I ever smoked pot. Hasn’t happened since. I’m a very, very irregular smoker though, and don’t smoke much more than just enough to feel a mild buzz.
I’ve got a batch of edibles in the freezer–I made some brownies for my partner–but apparently you aren’t supposed to use a whole ounce in a small pan of brownies? IDK, apparently they’re a bit on the strong side.
Oral sex is a high-end sports car; it can be incredibly impressive based on the driver. Vaginal is a luxury sedan. A handjob is public transit; it gets you there eventually, but eh.
Anal is the jeep of sex. Yeah you might get dirty, it’s a little rough, but some people just love off-roading in their jeep. And if that’s what they’re into, then they’re probably really into it.
My ex-partner and I started skydiving together. They loved it, I was indifferent. Since I was indifferent, I dropped out, 'cuz that shit’s expensive. My partner kept doing it.
One of the people we did ground school with–that’s the classes you have to take before you do your first solo jump–died base jumping about 3 years later. In 3 years, he’d accumulated well over 1000 jumps. Nice guy. Always chasing a thrill though.
Sure, you’re talking about the wet bulb temperature.
You’ll find a lot of people from the northern part of the US that simply can’t function in the south in the summer, when it’s >90F. I’m a transplant from the north to the south; I’ve adapted just fine, by virtue (?!) of not having air conditioning. And it goes the other way too; if you move to a colder climate from a hotter one, you’ll eventually adapt to it.
This is not the case for all people, but most people will be able to adapt.
Chicanes are the best part about riding a sport bike! I get to drag knees on public roads!
Europe pulled a good one on us […]
No, we did that to ourselves, by always cutting taxes instead of raising them to pay for things that are public goods, like single-payer health care, public transportation, public education, and so on. Our taxes are too low, and as a result we pay far, far more for the same things as private services rather than public. You can complain that the gov’t is inefficient, but there’s no profit; profit takes a far bigger bite than waste, inefficiency, and fraud does.
Start by taxing the shit out of the CEOs and board of directors, with a mechanism built into the taxation so that any increase in their compensation is entirely offset by an increase in taxes. Then offer incentives to on-shore labor again.
The first two links that you posted don’t appear to cover electron microscopy at all. The last appears to show a potential method of attack–which is noted in the link that I posted–but does not seem to show that it’s actually been successfully implemented. (“Using SEM operator-free acquisition and standard image processing technique we demonstrate the possible [emphasis added] automating of such technique over a full memory. […] The technique is a first step [emphasis added] for reverse engineering secure embedded systems.”)
What is your budget?
If you’re looking for lingerie, depending on your budget, look at Agent Provocateur, La Perla, Fleur du Mal, Kiki de Montparnasse, or Coco de Mer. Agent Provocateur is usually eye-wateringly expensive, but has some really fantastic sets.
If you just want underwear (e.g., pure function rather than pretty), then… Fucked if I know. I’ve bought underwear at Costco for my partner, and they said it was nearly the most comfortable they’d ever worn. IMO most “lingerie” per se isn’t very practical for daily wear, and the really nice stuff can be a bit delicate for that kind of wear; it’s more of an occasion thing, if that makes sense. (Also, there’s a regrettable lack of real lingerie for men; Fleur du Mal has a small selection, but it’s most boxer briefs, and a single lacy thong. Disappointing.)
To be fair, if farmers ain’t happy, ain’t nobody gonna be happy.
My understanding is that there’s no safe level of drinking, that it’s all bad for you. OTOH, I’d rather have a double single-malt, neat, than smoke pot, even if it is worse for me. IDK, I’ve just never had a huge interest in pot; it’s okay, not great, and not worth the shit I’d get into in my state if I got busted with >27g.