I’m glad they take the time and confirm that the EU’s defense plans are the correct decision.
I’m glad they take the time and confirm that the EU’s defense plans are the correct decision.
Did you know that mozzie males find their mate via the wing beat frequency? Yes, the annoying zzzzzzzz that keeps you up at night is like a love song to the males and once they are close enough to their desired mozzie lady, they imitate the frequency. If they hit “the right tune” they may approach. Otherwise, the females kick them with their hind legs… looks cute as hell in my opinion.
Yeah. I hate to be that guy but since this is sort of related to my job and this is a science community: this is an Aedes Species. Scutal markings are not fully visible but I’d go with Aedes aegypti. They don’t transmit Malaria. They’d be your Yellow Fever, Dengue or Chikungunya Bros, though. Malaria, at least those variants that are pathogenic to humans are almost exclusively transmitted by species from the genus Anopheles.
Prima, dann werden direkt Flächen für die Bundeswehr und europäische Partner frei, die betroffenen Gemeinden verlieren die Einwohner nicht und wir müssen keine Naturschutzgebiete umwidmen. Letztere sind nämlich oft frühere Truppenübungsplätze. Für alle ein Gewinn (außer vielleicht für die transatlantische Partnerschaft).