You should cross post to !
Will do, thanks! I totally get having the tweaks in your head or written into the family recipe book with a pen. Our better homes cookbook has tons of notes/tweaks written into it now.
I am simply advocating for shoes that fit your feet. 99% of shoes tend to pretend like your longest toe is your middle toe. I’ve always found this weird.
This seems pretty close to what you described:
It sounds good / I’m thinking about giving them a go. If you find a better recipe let me know.
It could easily be a family recipe. It looks like riffs on this theme are pretty common. Maybe it was a Hungarian recipe? Sounds like a great mystery!
That’s fair.
It’s one of the biggest repositories of human-to-human communication on the web.
I am showing my age and have spent decades on various web forums. These sites have thousands, or even tens of thousands, of users and huge quantities of threads some of which can be very deep. Yes, each individual site isn’t that big but there are tons of these things scattered around the web and I’m sure they’ve been crawled. One of the many, many, many manymanymany Ford Mustang forums has > 2 million replies., an 80s-early 90s Camaro/Firebird, forum has 763,427 threads with 6.45 million replies going back easily 20 years, which is well before bots.
Discord does have 154M monthly users, so you’re probably right that there is more content there than across all the various boards. It’s also probably a heck of a lot easier to crawl than a bunch of different web forums.
A great idea! Even though it’s “harmless” I bet the charges will be ugly :(
It also looks fantastic in black and white. Yay continuing to scroll after bedtime mode kicks in…
I don’t see that being worth much $$ given the massive quantities of that information already available on the web via forums and what not?
Lots of very general light chat and shit posts. It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of revenue potential there.
We’ve been living at the same house for about a decade. We have a tiny tiny creek in our back yard with some unmowed area around it. Our yard is chemical free and we have tons of pollinators. We saw single digit numbers of lightning bugs for nearly the time we lived here. Never more than two a night and most nights none showed up.
The past few years we’ve seen an uptick. Not loads, but they seem to be making a small comeback. At least in our yard.
The Nazi army used a lot of drugs:
OP already replied, but the answer was super brief: they invest in their future. I don’t know what that looks like for them, but for us it means funding an emergency fund plus 401ks, IRAs, and college funds for our kids. Even if you’re not able to set aside a ton, the more money you can invest when you’re young the better off you’ll be thanks to the power of compounding.
If you’re lucky enough to advance your career put the extra money into your emergency fund and/or investments - you won’t miss it.
If you’re in debt, try to target one loan to pay off. Once you pay off that single loan keep paying that amount towards your next loan. Repeat until necessary. For example, after we paid off our car we put what used to be our old payment as extra $$ for our mortgage.
Cut to the shape of an actual foot and flexible/minimalistic sole. I live in the Midwest, so I’ll compromise some ok sole thickness in the winter. Standing in snow with my kid at the bus stop in minimalistic soles and even thicker socks makes for quick feet.
Shape of your foot? I don’t understand why you would want your toes/foot contorted. I do not understand shoes that have a point in the middle of them. Either you’re smashing your toes together or your making something stick out in front of your foot that will mess up your gate.
Minimalistic sole? This will get you landing more softly on your heel and help you use the balls of your feet more. It’s amazing to me how thick/soft the soles of some shoes are. I suspect they’re necessary to compensate for the way a lot of us walk.
My feet feel fantastic and my motion feels very natural.
You’ve received some good replies on this question, but I think there’s also another question at play: an offshoot of identity politics. Many people wrap their personal identity around things. If you question the thing, or put restrictions on it, people take it as an attack on their persona since the thing and their person are so interwoven. You can see this with things like guns, vehicles (motorcycles, car vs truck, auto vs manual, brand x vs brand y), video game consoles, physical media, etc.