Columbia is the journalism school for people who want to write propaganda for the empire. They invite guests like Hillary Clinton.
When you get a Columbia degree you can get hired by New York Times to whitewash America, or make up war-crimes for American adversaries.
A Twitter user has made a compilation of some execution videos, allegedly by HTS soldiers against Alawite civilians from the past two days:
NSFL (executions):
Migrating account would be a big upgrade.
There is also a massive chicken cartel in the US which dictates the laws so small farmers cannot abide by all the nitpicking rules.
A protest will not cripple an organisation. Only get them to pay attention.
Many billionaires have recently cashed out not only Buffet. Of course it could be them predicting Trump being bad. But collusion would be possible.
Not a Republican but big US billionaires recently cashed out their stocks.
Trump imposing moronic tariffs will crash the market and the Billionaires can buy back cheap.
IVY league schools have lost their rep
Social credit score 📉
The Lebanese army has not and does not fight Israel. It only fights Hezbollah which is a very strong paramilitary group in the south of Lebanon.
For clarification; this is the Lebanese government which does not fight Israel. It only fights Hezbollah for Israel.
Hezbollah is part of the government but they also have a paramilitary sub “army” which the US aligned Lebanese government is not a fan of.
Glowie, also known as a Glown****, is a slang term popular on 4chan’s /pol/ board used in reference to CIA or other governmental agents posing as ordinary 4chan users in order to bait others into sharing incriminating information.
In 2017, schizophrenic computer programmer Terry Davis, known for his TempleOS software that he claimed was dictated to him by God and meant to be God’s third temple, made a video showing off various aspects of TempleOS. In the video, Terry says, “The CIA n*****s glow in the dark, you can see them if you’re driving. You just run them over, that’s what you do.”
The term “glow in the dark” refers to the obvious nature of their camouflage, leaving them exposed when they’re trying to hide in the shadows.
In fairness to Brave CEO I did not know it had racist origins and only thought it referred to the last paragraph.
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Last time France got to be a superpower they enslaved the west of Africa.
It also boosts your magic by 8 levels in Runescape.
Putting Liz Cheney on stage was a pretty risky move if you ask me.