Not sure what you’re getting at here. A microcode exploit and open source software have nothing to do with each other.
Not sure what you’re getting at here. A microcode exploit and open source software have nothing to do with each other.
Yeah, but that sounds dumb, so it’s soo doe.
Joke’s on you, they can’t read.
I won’t say “you couldn’t pay me to drive one”, but only because I’m honest enough with myself to admit that there is absolutely an amount that someone could pay me to drive one around. The number is very far from reasonable though.
Because eating the rich will accomplish nothing if you don’t also change the underlying system that created them in the first place. And good luck getting everyone in the non-rich class to agree on what that change should look like.
That’s fine. The courts will just toss it.
Might not. I assume there’s some sort of penalty clause built into the contract, so there shouldn’t be much to sue about unless Ford tries to find a way to not pay that penalty.
Since you can’t use your mirror anyway, just adjust it so that it reflects back at them.
Passkeys are a great idea, but everyone involved seems like they want the process to be as much of a pain in the dick as possible. So until the industry pulls it’s collective head out of its collective ass (not going to hold my breath on that one), it’ll be passwords+2FA for me.
Measuring my server cluster
Personally, I just don’t ask questions I don’t want the answer to.
I’m actually kinda surprised that the Bloc voters didn’t have the highest percent.