Oh fuck, I’m with Deezer… are there any options left?
Oh fuck, I’m with Deezer… are there any options left?
Good to know, thanks for the info
Valve, they make Steam. A popular gaming store that brought modern gaming to Linux
Not defending valve but are the forums even necessary?
I’ve been an avid player for 4 years (my son even more so) and I didn’t even know they had forums
No, they’ll be dismantled and sold as scrap
Trump has the knowledge base of a home schooled toddler with an undiagnosed learning disability
Yeap but apparently there are hundreds ofn thousands of sheep or wolves that like to be trampled
Why are you offended at anone asking for evidence?
Maybe is more people asked for evidence, the world wouldn’t be in such a mess now
While, at the sme time, creatibg the same uncertainty for investors in the USA… genius move
It’s more like: “Americans who support Ukraine… but couldn’t be bother voting”
Where? how do you know? how does the rest of the world find out about these?
I’m I don’t know… Muricans elected donald knowing full well what he was about to do…
I am certain trump is dumb and evil… I am NOT certain this is not what Muricans wanted
I’m not in it but I have been told it’s almost impossible to control the narrative as Muskrat does on Twitter
It is held by a benefit corporation which means they have to, at least pretend, to bring some societal benefit
“Oh no this is wrong”… proceeds to shit on it, not provide a single example or correction
Yes, I do for pretty much everything but it’s a bit of a hassle for new music discovery and to play everywhere