I believe this is because it’s been found that these anti aging creams and such actually do more harm for younger people…
I believe this is because it’s been found that these anti aging creams and such actually do more harm for younger people…
What’s the difference? Look at the shit they are letting him get away with? If it doesn’t get worse great but it’s already pretty fucking terrible…
That’s the joke…
This is what he means when he says he’s good at negotiating… He takes bribes, lots and lots of them
It’s because he spends all his time being a top ranked gamer, don’t you know…
And then the locals laughed at him for getting scammed out of 10 bucks…
It’s really all about perspective…
Because why would I pay for other people’s health…
No shit… This dude is more openly corrupt than last time he was president… He’s killing thousands of people with his “policy’s” he’s sending innocent people to prison… Because the color of their skin… And it’s only been 2 months… This dude is on his way to being this generations Hitler and if he doesn’t start WW3 than that’s the best we can probably hope for…
Or it’s the looser definition that’s sort of taken hold over the years to mean any multiplayer game
Even the products you pay for make you the product and it’s been true for awhile and it just keeps getting worse…
That old saying isn’t true anymore… Maybe never was