I’m not trying to hide it? I devoutly hate conservatives with every fiber of my being. The one pro to the potential of a civil war in the US is to erase as many of you as I can.
I’m not trying to hide it? I devoutly hate conservatives with every fiber of my being. The one pro to the potential of a civil war in the US is to erase as many of you as I can.
Well your degradation of the entire userbase of the site you’re using is very convincing. Classic conservative alright. If you disagree with Lemmings on the whole, leave?
LMFAO, feels real in what way? Like cabbage patch dolls are real?
(X) Doubt
Do you believe you’re the only person in this thread that understands the world? Every comment you’ve made is HEAVILY downvoted without a single upvote, don’t you think if you were even remotely right at least ONE person would agree?
Also, I tend to not believe you live anywhere but America, you sound like every Trumpet I know.
This is precisely why I’m terrified of the generation that’s going through college with chatgpt right now. These people will be doctors and nurses.
LMAO, yeah, you’re a Trumper. Can’t even stay on one position between two comments: does he understand the business(no) or not?
Tell me you voted for Trump without telling me.
You can be the dumbest mother fucker the Earth has ever produced and you will still easily be able get a business degree from any greasy college of your choice.
I’m legitimately wondering if you’re young enough to not know that the iPod came WAY before the first iPhone, which was the first widely adopted smart phone.
Jobs had no ideas. GUI, like everything else, was stolen from someone else. Apple and Microsoft both got big by stealing ideas.
Careful, it’s addicting, I’ve probably listened to over 100 hours of Robert Evans talking about the scum of the Earth now.
We need new copypasta, I’m tired of variations of this same story about OPs life being turned around by becoming completely obsessed with some niche.
Dude, I’m sick to death of these undying white supremacy memes. There’s billions of cartoon faces out there, why does everyone have to use the one that’s born out of racism and hate?
This memes imagery couldn’t be more reversed from reality even if the message is accurate.
I’m honestly on OPs side here. The fucking corporation is not going to miss that garlic or the $.50. It really is gross to be allegiant to corporations that don’t give a fuck about you. I promise you can both do a good job and be respected by your customers and even direct managers without having to suck CEO weiner.
Yeah I’m going Japanese.
Good damn when will the soft language end? When we’re all dead? He’s not a Nazi sympathizer, he’s just a fucking Nazi.
These lists are consistently bad. To the extent I’m beginning to think it’s intentional so people don’t like the alternatives and go back to the worst.
I hate that my choices are Expensive, Evil, or Doesn’t Taste Good when it comes to so many products.