There are definitely alternatives, where there is more tax incentive to own one home that you live in, and increasing penalties for holding more properties, especially for a long period of time and especially if they are in areas of high housing demand.
OP isn’t directly suggesting making rentals illegal; in fact it’s a bit vague what specific practice they’re blaming. My best guess is that they generally don’t feel laws should allow/incentivize owning so many housing properties, especially if one is not personally doing anything to earn money from them.
The optimist in me wants to believe that the only reason they see “loudest responses” is because they announce that 2+2=4 and Empathy=Good, and everyone with common sense agrees, but doesn’t bother saying anything. Meanwhile we’ve gotten thousands of screaming matches from sorely misled (and at worst brainwashed) voters who have been told by Trump that 2+2=8 and Empathy=Bad.
It doesn’t absolve them for “tactically” shifting stances. But I’ve tried to do my part by calling my reps when they take a hard action that I agree with.