32% federal, 16% states, that’s 48% coming from taxes, two different government levels, still governmental.
32% federal, 16% states, that’s 48% coming from taxes, two different government levels, still governmental.
Trump (or, his administration anyway) has to fill up the same paperwork that anyone in his situation has to fill up in order to be let in. Same thing was happening with GWB because of his DUI!
The USA: Soon to become a BRICS member
Re: gay conservatives
I was reading something the other day and white gay men are so normalized now (and I mean, that’s the goal!) that some of them consider themselves to be out of the LGBTQ+ movement because they don’t want to be dragged down with the others as their rights are being eroded.
It’s disgusting.
People act like traditional car manufacturers don’t exist anymore even though they all over EV options…
Having worked in that industry it was entertaining but otherwise meh 🤷
Gaben is still just another billionaire with a yacht collection. The reason games aren’t cheaper is because of people like him, just like anything else we’re buying everyday.
Down voted because people can’t accept the fact that they’re getting ripped off even by the companies they like?
Gaben is a billionaire, Valve isn’t content with the amount of money they make, they just have good PR
States + federal government account for closed to 50% of the total spendings, which is still more, per capita, than anywhere else that is paid via taxes and then the other ~50% people end up paying from their pockets either directly or via private insurance.
The end result is still the same, the US spends more than anywhere else per capita and what it spent only covers a minority, the rest is private insurance.
Decided to get the metabo battery powered tools because they’re the only ones that offer an adapter to plug the tools directly (useful for stuff that stays in the shop most of the time)
Zero ragrets! They’re very good!
What you quoted doesn’t say what you think it does… That’s governmental spendings and then there’s private spendings over that.
The average person doesn’t give a crap about all the privacy stuff, they care about range, how it drives, the warranty, the options.
People who care about privacy will never win this fight because normies will keep buying the cars.
Because the whole world is tired of people acting like the US is a victim in that and that’s exactly what you did in your original message.
You’re saying that Europe can afford social programs because it doesn’t spend as much as the USA in defense, implying the USA can’t afford those because they’re defending Europe, I’m saying the USA has no excuse not to offer social programs even with their current spendings.
I’m 100% sure that Europe wouldn’t have cut their social programs if their defense budget was higher, it’s a governance choice to let your population eat shit and die and to waste money pretending to help it and that’s the choice the USA made.
Are you though? 🤔
Imagine the US coming back to the UN in a few years and being told “You’re welcome back but you’ll be just like any other member now instead of having veto privileges, now go sit in the corner.”
Funny how you’re mostly asking questions that no real human cares about when shopping for car…
Yeah so good luck using that in the middle of the woods
The US government spends more per total capita on healthcare than any country with nationalized healthcare, but in the US it covers less than a third of the population.
The US spends more on defense than anyone but it keeps fucking things up all around the world to justify those spendings.
The US can afford social programs, it decides not to, so give us all a fucking break.
Sure, I’m just saying that the paperwork is still done just the same, talking about him being prevented from entering is moot, it won’t happen.