Thank you 🙏 didn’t understand the language but I did understand the overall moment 😄
Thank you 🙏 didn’t understand the language but I did understand the overall moment 😄
Your journey and motivation is looking a lot like mine. I deleted my twitter account, frozen my meta accounts and canceled most of the streaming subscriptions. Currently looking into the email problem of leaving Gmail behind… Probably it will be tuta + a NAS for file storage to replace gdrive. I used Arc for the browser, I really love it’s UX so I have been trying to move to Zen Browser, however they have issues with 1password (not sure if I’ll move from this service) and it doesn’t sync like Arc does (for now).
I’m curious I still don’t really understand element/matrix… Does it communicate with the other messaging services? I’m trying to push more people around me to use Signal (but yeah… It’s the same old story of no one using it so people to use it)
Did you went for freeNAS for the Google photos replacement? Do you have a way to auto sync your photos on the phone to your photos in your server?
Good luck 🫡
This guy is awesome, but being like this should be the norm and nothing special. Unfortunately it isn’t the norm.
Can you link to that talk show?
The day I was about to go for proton was the same day the news about the CEO comments came out… It’s that strange balance… It has a lot of the features I want to replace from Gmail but… Now I’m not sure if it would be much better than Google if the government decided they wanted to look at my emails. That said it’s still better for my money to go to a EU company.