fancy version of piano
The organ? Or did the church you visited have something else?
Kobolds with a keyboard.
fancy version of piano
The organ? Or did the church you visited have something else?
You’d do very well on a few game shows, too!
This certainly seems like the best out of these options. Start a gravel company. Infinite stock. If you can just create it out of nothing at the location of your choosing, you don’t even have to pay for trucks, which I imagine is probably a greater cost in the gravel industry than the gravel itself.
It’s got to be one of:
Whatever the situation, it’s increasingly dangerous to have him as president, and the damage he’s dealing is going to outlast his presidency.
I’d much rather someone who actually needs the money enough to pick up small change takes them rather than for them to just sit there. If someone’s desperate enough to fish coins out of a fountain for a few dollars, they can absolutely have them.
This reads more like a joking copypasta than an actual post from a political representative.
If you send an important email, text, whatever and do not get a reply for hours you know that at least today that person is not being attentive to work
This might be industry specific, but for me it’s the exact opposite. If I respond to emails or slack messages immediately, it’s probably because I don’t have anything important that I’m working on, or that I’m just browsing Lemmy or something. If it takes me an hour to respond, it’s because I was head-down on something and didn’t want the interruption by changing focus to something different.
I don’t think anyone’s suggesting we just immediately pull the plug on fossil fuels entirely, that’s not at all realistic, but heavily taxing them and using the revenue from those taxes to go towards cleanup and green energy would be a step in the right direction. The reliance on fossil fuels might drop considerably if the price of gas increased heavily. To your point, it’s an industry because people buy it, and people buy it because it’s the most cost effective solution in many cases. If it was no longer cost effective, people would gravitate towards green alternatives where possible.
What’s your proposal - let them just keep drilling, keep pumping, and keep polluting? It’s “legal” for them to do it, so there should be no guardrails, no accountability? They’ve been pushing back heavily on even legislation to make them pay a considerable amount towards cleanup efforts. The article states:
“Despite global climate commitments, a small group of the world’s largest fossil fuel producers are significantly increasing production and emissions. The research highlights the disproportionate impact these companies have on the climate crisis and supports efforts to enforce corporate responsibility.”
What would you have us do?
I’d even make the argument that these companies are directly contributing to the deaths of billions through climate change, the extinction of entire species… It’s not hyperbole. As such, if they refuse to stop what they’re doing, rather than let a relatively small number of people effectively decide the fate of everyone, isn’t it our (‘our’ as in ‘everyone else’s’) moral obligation to stop them, through whatever means necessary?
If they were threatening to launch nuclear missiles or something, we’d agree that without a doubt they should be stopped and no methods were too extreme, so why is it any different just because the method they’re using is slower?
Obviously the left one.
In physics, the center of mass of a distribution of mass in space is the unique point at any given time where the weighted relative position of the distributed mass sums to zero. For a rigid body containing its center of mass, this is the point to which a force may be applied to cause a linear acceleration without an angular acceleration.
If they wanted this to be an actual, debatable question, they shouldn’t have used ‘center of mass’, as the term has a specific definition and the question has a correct answer; it’s not open to interpretation, like “How would a horse wear pants?” or similar questions.
What’s this? Another group of kobolds? How quaint!
You can fit quite a lot of plain text in 1kb; it’s really just a 1024 character message. What you’d want to store would really be dependent on how the day went, but starting with “You are in a time loop. It resets every week on Monday at 6AM” would probably be sufficient to get things rolling; that’s only 61B.
I’d just add information that helped me have the best 7 days possible - really just a schedule of things to do. Did I read a really good book? Note that down, read it every week, enjoy that time. Did I play a great game? Same thing. Once I found 7 days worth of activities that were maximally enjoyable, I’d be happy to just stay in that time loop forever; the memory reset is really a blessing, not a curse.
POS systems including tip requests really piss me off. We recently discovered a great local restaurant and we order food from them (and pick it up, to take home) a few times a month. They have one of those POS systems and it really irritates me to have to tap ‘No Tip’ in plain view of the cashier every time. We’re picking up food; I’m walking up to a counter, collecting a bag, swiping a credit card and leaving. Why the fuck would I tip for that? I don’t tip at the grocery store and cashiers there do the same amount of work.
I strongly suspect the people doing this would much rather be going after Elon and DOGE directly, but it’s an issue of access or security, so they’re doing this as the next best thing.
It’s heartening, really, that this is happening. It strongly signals an appetite for more targeted anti-government action.