Then how will I fit my porn folder on it?
Then how will I fit my porn folder on it?
I have decided that nothing of value was lost
Lemmy is better if you avoid all at least. On local I usually get stuff about Europe a lot more. But subscribed is dwarfed by technology a it’s the largest community. Subscribed + scaled list seems to be a fairly good list though.
Might be time to start blocking some too, for my own sanity.
Probably at some point as prices per TB continue to come down. I don’t know anyone buying a laptop with a HDD these days. Can’t imagine being likely to buy one for a desktop ever again either. Still got a couple of old ones active (one is 11 years old) but I do plan to replace them with SSDs at some point.
Guy would have sided with Hitler. Why won’t Britain surrender, Hitler just wants to end the war!
Pretty sure planes usually don’t fly perfectly straight lines A to B for the entire flight. There are often things to avoid, you might go from waypoint A to B to C to D with a straightish line between each. But you would want to avoid areas for various reasons. Go around high traffic areas you don’t need to be in, dangerous weather or just avoiding turbulence within reason, make sure you are dropping the chemtrails over populated areas.
Only has your back if you are harming people they don’t like
I presume martial law is bad for the economy too
Already got banned for pro Luigi posting.
Block it to the point where you are not going to accidentally stumble upon it. Once they are determined to find it then there really isn’t much point.
Also, Reddit will block anything NSFW if you are under 18. Anything related to sex often gets flagged as NSFW. So I guess fuck you if you are 16 and trying to have safe sex I guess. NSFW probably shouldn’t always mean 18+
Brit here, I make sure to try and pay more attention and avoid American products now. Not that I bought many before, cola is probably the main one when at a pub/restaurant. Now if there is nothing else I want I just get water. So probably a healthier switch.
This is how you get fun stats to claim to higher ups. “We want to know how our products are used!”. Sure thing. Now if you just give home/office as options you will have boring results. If you add options like weapons of mass destruction, your next meeting is going to be fun!
Don’t really need a compass for a road trip given you are just following roads. I went on a bike ride somewhat recently following a similar idea, using a tablet instead of a book but I just had an offline map and it doesn’t support GPS. I followed various paths and roads going around. Was a nice day trip.
Russia us on a wartime economy and struggling with 1 European country that is using a portion of peacetime stocks from the rest of Europe.
If Europe wants to take this seriously, Russia doesn’t have a chance.
I expect countries to spend a reasonable amount of resources to raise an adequate army according to their abilities.
So a percentage of their GDP?
Sounds like a problem for the renters.
UK has property taxes too and its pretty shit tbh. Council tax, there are bands based on what your house was worth in the 90s (yes really…) and generally the poor will pay a higher % of their income. I have a pretty small bungalow, 60m². One of the lowest bands and pay £1600 a year on a house that cost £230k. The most you can have to pay is £4200, beyond that point regardless of how much more expensive your house is the tax rate doesn’t increase.
The original plan of the tax was a fixed rate per person. This among other things is why many people were keen on the idea of digging a hole so deep that we could hand Thatcher over to Satan personally.
Investment company comes in and buys literally everything because they can just offer 20% over value. Now they rent it out for twice as much as your mortgage cost. What are you going to do, not like there are any other houses left.
So you want countries to bankrupt themselves? A small country just isn’t capable of buying or building 200 tanks unless you want them welding sheet metal to tractors and calling it a tank.
GDP percentage may not be perfect but it seems pretty reasonable that 5M people shouldn’t have to contribute as much between them as 300M people.
AdNauseam. It clicks all the adverts. Yes, this is actively malicious behaviour. No, I don’t care.