You’re looking at it with hindsight. Sure it feels like spending another million $ designing, testing, and adding additional weight, along with removing weight from other parts looks like the right decision now.
Every design makes compromises, and every failure looks stupid when looking at the end result. The team had decisions to make and if they had the extra time and money, then making the existing design more robust with more testing and reliability would have been the better solution.
If you lived 1900 miles West or East, you would see the same sky, just at different times. In this case, the difference in timezones would approximately be the difference in the sky you see. So if your husband is 3 hours ahead, he’d see the same sky about 3 hours before you.
If you lived 1900 miles north or south of each other, your horizon could be pretty different. But the stars directly overhead would be pretty similar.
If you lived on opposite sides of the equator, you might start to see different angles of the sky such that things directly overhead look flipped upside down. People in the southern hemesphere see the moon as upside down to people in the northern hemesphere.