Automatic transmissions have been around since the 60’s or 50’s, IIRC.
Automatic transmissions have been around since the 60’s or 50’s, IIRC.
US made things that are the best or in a small group of the best:
Hand tools, power tools, machine tools, alloys, plastics, clothing/footwear, hardware, firearms, whiskey, porn, movies/shows, glass/ceramics, camping/outdoor, and all sorts of luxury items.
Affordability is a different issue. There are usually options that are good enough and cheaper.
It will be fun if we lose modern high yield rapeseed and soybean. Lovely.
Unrelated but horrible farm story you reminded me of. Worked on a tater farm when I was a kid. One of my favorite things when riding the planter was when they would spray fungicide on the planting from previous days. It smelled just like Grapico cola (grape flavored soft drink). We all loved the smell of it and basically huffed the wind. Probably get dick cancer or something from it one day.
Doing some quick searching, I didn’t find anything that covers your scenario. Not that I don’t believe you, but do you have a source on Fusarium quickly evolving fungicide resistance in a big way?
Born and raised in fundamentalist evangelical Christianity. The vast majority of evangelicals will know the story of Moses and the golden calf.
A significant minority of evangelicals actually regularly study the Bible. (I used to be one of them.) They tend to be the core of the membership and teach classes and have leadership positions. See Mike Johnson for an example.
The level of internal propaganda is wild. To be able to maintain that faith while regularly studying the Bible takes a lot of willing suspension of disbelief. Basically, they live in a bubble where they self-censor incoming information.
Something like the ex-mormon CES Letter is needed for the evangelicals. Homeschooling also needs to have required curriculum to give children logical tools.
Conservative cultural christians are a different problem and probably what you’re actually thinking of. They’re useful idiots for the far right as well as the evangelicals. They really don’t know much about the Bible or denominations around them and tend to believe what they were told last by far right media or their smart uncle who’s into conspiracy theories and shit. Political and religious outrage as entertainment.
That’s a different one, Boebert, giving handies at all-ages musicals. This one, Green, fucked her CrossFit trainer or something.
Perjury Trailer Queen > Marjory Taylor Green.