Lol! The maleficent gods disapprove. ;)
Lol! The maleficent gods disapprove. ;)
It sure is! Not even my own solidly red state.
Seems like parents are world wise. Good for them?
My ISP is blocking that page as potentially dangerous. 🙄
I listen to my body, which includes my mind. I start feeling bad physically or mentally, I disconnect and do something else.
It’s almost like corps are in favor of profit over people.
I’d say it takes more wisdom to not let people get to you, literal and emotional.
I think the USA has way overplayed our hand here, and is seriously pushing Europe into BRICS, which will displease neither Russia nor China. USA got played, this is realpolitik.
Because Europe needs an ally with means to stand up to bullies.
They also used the same design of a prior craft that met the same fate. But private industry are problem solvers. 🙄
Ah, but they don’t work too serve us. They work to serve corporations and billionaires. We can fix that, but it will take a lot of relentless work and vigilance, before, during and after fixing it.
When I deep fried I used peanut oil, but it aggravated aches and pains. Then I got an air fryer and that changed everything. I don’t have a problem with evoo scorching. Avocado oil is hard for me to obtain without my own ride, not has a pretty neutral taste. I like evoo flavor, a lot. If I pan cook steak or chops, I just use evoo, butter, or a blend.
I still think avacado oil and evoo are preferable, but budget always has the final say.
Thank you for this. My community can pool resources and share.
I recently read they’re filing bankruptcy, and with the food quality from my ancient history memory, that’s probably why.
The bill passed 54-45, with 4 Republicans breaking rank on the bill—the most of any bill so far in Montana this session. It advances to third reading today, whereupon if it passes, it will move to the Senate for further debate.
The bill is horrible but I find encouraging that 4 Republicans voted against it.
Will this prevent the UK from capitulation to the USA?
My adult kid didn’t like him or his products before more and still doesn’t.
Just started to say I’m glad they’re focusing on the important things. 🙄🤮
Mostly pacifist faith?! My friend, the abramic religions, with the exception of a few small cults within them, have been warrior religions, from inception. Jesus maybe tried to change that but even warned his teachings would turn brother against brother.