Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. If you don’t follow the teachings of Jesus Christ but call yourself a Christian you are a Christian in name only.
Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. If you don’t follow the teachings of Jesus Christ but call yourself a Christian you are a Christian in name only.
Christians are the followers of the teachings of Jusus Christ. If you don’t follow the teachings of Jesus Christ you may call yourself a Christian but you are not a Christian.
The people you are talking about are not Christians. They do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. They are at best cafeteria Christians and at worst Christians in name only.
I was just watching a panel discussion about Trump and the tariffs and had a thought. He’s started adding exemptions. He just added one for the automotive industry following discussions with the big three auto makers. What if the tariffs were a grift all along? What if he put the tariffs on to generate tax dollars that he can use to give billions of dollars to the wealthy but what if he’s double dipping and selling exemptions? Like, what if when he talked to the big three auto makers he said, “I’ll make an exemption to the tariffs for the auto industry if you give me $100 million”?
Petulant. Childish. Vindictive. Churlish.
Kick the US out of the Five Eyes. Problem solved.
They pick and choose.
They follow Leviticus 20:13 but not Matthew 7:1-3 or Luke 6:37.
They chose which teachings to follow based on their own fear, hate, and self-loathing.