Overall more Diesel buses would result in less emissions. If it incentivises people to drive less.
Still, nice. I don’t like the vibrations on diesel buses, sometimes it makes me sick. And when I’m cycling im not exposed to their exhaust fumes.
Overall more Diesel buses would result in less emissions. If it incentivises people to drive less.
Still, nice. I don’t like the vibrations on diesel buses, sometimes it makes me sick. And when I’m cycling im not exposed to their exhaust fumes.
Not to worry, I’m binging a few addicting podcasts already and I need something to fall back to once they run out. Recently discovered “Lateral” by Tom Scott (the youtuber).
Wow, they made 4 episodes about him, each over an hour long.
Haven’t listened to Behind The Bastards but will give this one a listen.
Yes they should. From the top comment it appears as if the commenter has a difference experience.
No, it’s the lower frequencies that make you sound deeper.
When you speak, the voice is fed back to you through bones, so lower frequencies are dominant.
Gotta love the purr of that engine
It’s a Dobbie Photoshop
And failing at it because most other countries don’t have birthright citizenship 😂