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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • I agree we don’t owe them anything. And if being uncivil will make a difference, I am all for it. But if it won’t help, then let’s stay civil. In this specific case, if the floor of the house becomes a circus, people will start voting for clowns intentionally. Because it will become a required skill. I would rather it not. We already have too many clowns in there as is. And someday I hope it can go back a bit toward what it is supposed to be. A place for compromise. Though I do admit that I don’t have a lot of hope.

  • Well a big part of it all is that the interruption doesn’t really make a difference. It’s a show, likely done to get attention on himself. If it were to be something very effective, that would be another story. But it will start us down a path where the chamber will resemble a WWE production. The original point though was that if the constituency of the dems that voted yes, support that vote, then they did thier job in representing thier voters. So that’s okay. If every vote follows strict party lines our government will be even more of a pendulum than it currently is. Swinging wildly to which ever side currently has the power.

  • I think though that a lot of spouses lie about things early on in a relationship. Usually about things they are or are not interested in. It’s kind of part of courting. People get divorced all the time saying the other person wasn’t who they thought they were. And no one willing has a relationship with someone who will cheat on them, yet it happens. The person said they would be faithful, but they lied. This isn’t that far off really. And no one would call those things rape. They are terrible, but not the same. And they are too common place. Associating them with rape would make rape more common place. Which will reduce peoples opinions of how big a deal it is.

  • While I do think there should be some relief for some people as far as property taxes are concerned… living in a town or city gives a person access to many local government subsided services. Firefighters, and ambulances are some simple ones that everyone uses. Roads as well. And the cost of that does increase over time. Basing a person’s contributions to paying for that based on the value of thier property is just easier for local governments, and more stable. But it doesn’t really corelate with the use of those services. Nor with income or ability to pay.
    Life necessities really shouldn’t be taxed at most levels. Food, shelter, water, heat, medical care. Most already aren’t. But housing still is. Investment properties should be taxed of course, but an average primary residence really shouldn’t be.

  • How about this. In one case the sex was consensual, where in the other it was not. Now put your self in the shoes of someone who was forcibly raped. Do you think they would see it as the same. These people were lied to and deceived, and that is terrible. But it many people will say it just isn’t the same level. And that diminishes rape generally. But in addition to the personal crime, it is also a crime against all of the people. Thier trust in police is erroded further. So while it is comparably terrible, a lot of people just won’t see it that way. But in their heads, when they hear rape, a small part of them will think of this and say, “that’s not so bad”.